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Ally walks into the manor and frowns when she sees Dinah trying to fix their chandelier once again. "Hey, I thought an electrician was coming to fix that."

"I've been waiting around all day, missed an auction and still no electrician." Dinah responds grumpily just as thunder booms outside.

Sighing, Ally hangs her coat and purse up on the rack by the front door. "Camila called."

"Don't tell me she's asking for more money." Dinah complains in frustration, her and Camila didn't really get along.

Shaking her head, Ally moves further into the room. "No, she's moving back home."

"What? When?" Dinah asks just as the front door opens and Camila walks in.

"Hey guys, um any chance I can borrow twenty dollars to pay the cab driver?" the youngest sister asks, tilting her head to the side.

Ally smiles and hugs Camila happily. "It's good to have you home." she says before grabbing Dinah's purse. "I've got it." she says before walking outside.

"That's my purse." Dinah calls after Ally, frowning.

"I'll pay you back." the youngest sister says softly.

"Yeah, sure you will." Dinah scoffed.

Rolling her eyes, Camila stares at the oldest sister. "What the hell is your problem? You've had it out for me ever since mom left."

"What the hell is my problem?!" Dinah scoffed. "What makes you think you can show up here and just expect a warm welcome?!"

"Woah, I go outside for a few seconds and you're already jumping down each other's throats? Can we save this for tomorrow?" Ally asks softly, sometimes she hated being the middle child.

"You knew she was coming back, didn't you?" Dinah growled.

Ally bites her lip. "I just found out today."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Dinah asked.

Camila sighs and picks up her bag. "I'll be in my room."

Dinah glared at Camila as she walked up the stairs.

"You're being too hard on Mila," Ally says, defending the twenty-one year old.

"Because Camila has no vision, no sense of the future." Dinah mumbles in response.


Camila sighs as she makes her way up the attic stairs, trying to open the door. At first the door doesn't budge but as she turns to walk away it slowly opens. She turned on her heels, frowning. "What the hell?"

Shrugging, she makes her way up the stairs and into the attic, deciding to look around. She found some of her mother's things and her grandmother's things.

It was while she was searching through a large chest that she found a large and heavy book. "The book of shadows," she reads aloud before sitting down and opening it the the first page. "Hmm, Hear now the words of the witches. The secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here. The great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour. I call upon the ancient power. Bring your powers to we sisters three. We want the power. Give us the power." she reads out loud.

Camila frowned. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" She shook her head.

Suddenly a bright light flashed throughout the house followed by thunder and lightning outside.

Camila jumped, the book fell from her lap.

"Mila?" Ally asks, standing in the doorway with Dinah behind her.

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