Chapter One

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"How are you?" Dinah asks softly, looking at Normani.

"I'm fine." Normani responded. "You?"

"I'm good, trying to get my own exhibit." The blonde responds softly.

"That's really good." Normani smiles. "You'll definitely get it. You deserve it,"

Sighing, Dinah shakes her head. "Zayn is being a total dick and taking credit."

"He always was a dick." Normani said.

Nodding her head, the younger girl looks toward the window of the cafe. "I have to go soon."

"Go?" Normani frowned. "Where?"

"Home, can't leave Mila unattended for long or she causes trouble." Dinah responds, she couldn't be falling for Normani again.

"Oh." Normani nodded.

Biting her lip, Dinah looks at Normani. "We should do this again sometime."

"We should." Normani nodded.

Standing up, Dinah places money for her order on the table and leaves.

"Bye." She heard Normani call.

She was already out the door and in her car instead of responding. She turned on the engine and sighed heavily.

Sure she still had feelings for Normani, but with what her and her sisters had recently found out and gone through, she didn't think it was a good idea.

She began backing out of the parking space and pulled out onto the road to drive home.

By the time she got home she saw Camila on the front porch with a cat on her lap.

"Where'd the cat come from?" Dinah frowned.

"I don't know, it was on the porch when I got back." Camila responds softly.

"And you thought you'd just keep it. You should put up flyers or something. Someone could be really missing that cat." Dinah said.

Rolling her eyes, Camila looks up at Dinah. "I did, I think it's a stray, her name is Kit."

"How can she have a name if she's a stray?" Dinah asked.

Shrugging, Camila shows Dinah the collar. "Her collar says it, but no phone number or anything just this weird symbol and a name."

"Put up flyers." Dinah said.

Rolling her eyes, Camila stares up at her older sister. "I literally just said I did that.'

"Well, we keep her until someone comes to collect her." Dinah said.

Nodding, Camila goes back to petting Kit just as Ally arrives home from work.

"Hey." Dinah said.

"Hi, who's that?" Ally asks, looking at the cat.

"Kit." Camila responded.

"Where'd he or she come from?" The blonde asks, looking between Dinah and Camila.

Camila shrugged. "She was just out here when I got home."

"Weird, did you put flyers up?" Ally asks, tilting her head to the side.

Camila nodded. "Yes, I did."

Nodding, Ally makes her way inside.

Dinah sat down on the steps and looked up at the sky.

"What's up?" Camila asks, noticing the look on Dinah's face.

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