Chapter Six

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"This is beautiful." Ally says looking at the picnic Justin had set up for them in front of a beautiful view of the ocean.

Justin smiled. "I put a lot of thought into it."

"I can see that." The brown eyed girl responds, smiling warmly.

Justin began bringing sandwiches out of the basket.

"I can't believe if it wasn't for my aunt Piper and Leo we never would've been able to date." Ally says softly.

"I know." Justin said.

Shifting, Ally leans over and gently kisses him.

Justin instantly began kissing Ally back.

After a few minutes, Ally pulls away and looks into his eyes. "I have some news."

"News?" Justin asked.

Nodding her head, Ally shifts slightly. "I'm pregnant."

Justin's eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Ally responds softly, watching his reaction.

"Wow!" Justin pecked her cheek.

Smiling, the blonde looks down and blushes.

"I can't wait." Justin said.


Camila and Lauren were in the middle of an intense makeout when they heard the sound of shimmering.

Lauren pulled away.

Emerson had shimmered onto the bed and was watching them while sucking on her pacifier.

Lauren moved off of Camila. "Emerson, what are you doing?"

The little girl just points toward the door, continuing to suck on her pacifier.

"You should be asleep in bed." Lauren said.

Whining, the little girl points toward the door again just as two demons appear in the room near the door.

Lauren's eyes widened and she sent a fireball flying towards them.

Camila immediately reaches for Emerson just as a demon throws a fireball at them.

The one year old holds her hand out and the fireball goes back toward the demon.

The demon burst into flames.

Both demons vanished in a puff of smoke while Lauren and Camila stare at Emerson wide eyed.

Emerson looked at them innocently.

"Um, maybe we should take her to magic school." Camila mumbles softly.

Lauren looked confused. "Why?"

"It's getting more and more dangerous." the younger girl responds.

Lauren nodded. "At least we know she can defend herself."

Emerson shifts on the bed and holds her pacifier out toward Lauren.

Lauren took the pacifier.

Crawling further up on the bed, the little girl curls into Camila and closes her eyes tiredly.

"Let's head to magic school." Camila said.

Lauren frowns. "Now?"

Camila nodded. "Now."

Sighing, Lauren nods her head and stands up. "I guess."

Camila smiled softly.

Emerson shifts in her arms and releases a tired yawn.

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