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Twenty years later

Emerson frowns as she looks at the Book of Shadows, she was still struggling to understand everything that was going on. Her parents were missing and it seemed like the world was going to hell.

"You okay?" Cayden asks, looking up at his sister.

"I'm trying to find our parents." Emerson said.

Nodding his head, Cayden sighs. "Have you tried grandma?"

"Yes." Emerson said.

"Matt will be here soon to help." He says referring to their younger brother.

Emerson nodded.

"Do we need Aunt Dinah?" Cayden asks softly.

"Maybe. I don't know." Emerson said, she was growing to be frustrated at whatever or whoever took their parents.

Cayden sighed. "They'll be fine."

"We can't possibly know that." The twenty-seven year old responds.

"They are both pretty powerful beings. Have you tried sensing for them?" Cayden suggested.

Nodding her head, Emerson sighs. "I can't sense them."

"You can't?" Cayden frowned.

Shaking her head, the older girl looks at him. "I can't sense them." she repeats.

"Strange." Cayden frowned.

"I thought so too." Emerson mumbles.

"Have you tried scrying for them?" Cayden asked.

Nodding her head, Emerson sighs softly. "It doesn't work."

"Did you use a globe?" Cayden suggested.

"A what?" Emerson asks, looking at him in confusion.

Cayden moved over to the globe that was sitting on top of some books. "This. They might not be in the country. They could be somewhere else."

"Scrying could've found them unless they were in the underworld Cayden." The older girl responds.


It took almost a month before Camila and Lauren were found half dead in the underworld. By the time they were found, Camila had been tortured relentlessly and Lauren had been beaten.

Cayden, Emerson, and Matt used the power of three two kill the demon who had tortured their parents for the last month before rushing their parents to hospital.

It didn't take long before their entire family was together and Leo and Paige were healing Camila and Lauren.

Camila came around not long after Paige began healing her. Her eyes opened slowly and she groaned.

"Hi there, you had everyone worried." Paige says softly, sending her daughter a soft smile.

"Mom?" Camila coughed. "Laur?"

Lauren coughed and groaned as she came around. Her eyes slowly opened and they reflected what she had gone through. Leo may have been able to heal her physical scars but he could never heal her mental scars.

Moving over, Camila immediately curls into Lauren's side.

Lauren tensed and eventually relaxed into Camila's arms.

"They won't hurt you guys ever again." Emerson says.

Lauren drifted off to sleep.

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