Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


One year later

"Mama," Emerson mumbles from her playpen, jumping up and down.

"Hi." Camila said softly, lifting her daughter up.

The little girl immediately curled into Camila and smiled. "Eat?" She asks, looking up at her mother.

"Fruit loops?" Camila asked.

Nodding her head, the one year old begins playing with Camila's necklace, the one Lauren had gotten her a year before for Christmas.

"Okay. Let's go." Camila carried the little girl into the kitchen.

Emerson releases a squeal as soon as she sees Lauren. "Mommy!"

Lauren looked up. "Morning."

Bright green eyes light up as the baby shimmers into Lauren's arms.

"Hi." Lauren said.

"Mommy," Emerson responds, curling into Lauren and nuzzling her neck.

"Yes?" Lauren asked.

Camila moved to make her daughter's cereal.

Emerson looks up at Lauren and smiles, her baby teeth were almost all there, but she was still teething. "Bath?"

"After breakfast." Lauren said.

Nodding her head, the little girl releases a soft whine.

"It's coming." Camila said dramatically, putting the bowl in the microwave to heat up with milk.

They learned pretty quickly that Emerson didn't like her milk cold, especially when she threw a fireball at it.

"Patience." Lauren said dramatically, throwing one of her arms up in the air and making Emerson burst into laughter.

Chuckling, Camila moves over to them with the bowl of cereal after the microwave beeps. "Highchair." She tells Lauren, knowing full well that they were going to have a fight as soon as Lauren tried putting Emerson in the highchair.

Lauren carries Emerson over to the high chair.

As soon as Emerson sees where they are going she begins to frantically shake her head. "No!"

"Yes." Lauren said.

Tears fill the one year old's eyes. "Mama,"

"Yes." Camila said. "You have to go in there."

"No like," the baby girl whines out.

"You have to." Camila said. "Otherwise you don't get your breakfast."

Whining softly, Emerson let's Lauren put her in the highchair, pouting.

"Don't make that face." Lauren said.

The little girl just pouts even more.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Drama Queen."

Laughing, Camila passes Lauren the bowl of cereal. "Your turn."

"My turn!" Lauren frowned, she shook her head. "I did it yesterday."

"And I did it last night." Camila responds, crossing her arms.

Lauren put the cereal down on the table of the high chair.

Emerson pouts and looks up at them, kicking her feet slightly.

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