Collecting the prize

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Some time passed and Meng looked down to see the men relaxing a while after eating their lunch. "Guess we should continue with our journey," Meng thought as she jumped from the branch she was sitting on and walked over to the lake. When she arrived, she saw most of them looking ready to get back on the road. "Okay! Start collecting the horses and we'll leave in 10 minutes," Meng says and the men started to stand up and do their assigned job. Meng walked over to the carriage and peeked in, Miss Sun was drinking tea. "Miss Sun, after they connect the carts to the horses, we will take off," Meng says and Miss Sun turns to face her. "Okay," Miss Sun says and smiles. Meng walked away from the carriage and looked over to the men leading the horses back to the carts. She then headed towards the black stallion and got on it. She pulled the leash, making it turn around as it neighed loudly. "Okay, we'll take off now! Follow the path until we reach the bottom of the mountains. Then the safe route will be led by me!" Meng shouts and the men nodded in agreement. They then got on the carts while some began to drive. Meng led the way as she headed ahead back to the top of the small hill. Upon arriving back on the path, they continued their way.

Night came~

They were still in a forest, the trees deep inside were dark, the moon is shining bright like their lanterns. They were on a path by the side of the mountain and it is very high. "This is too dangerous to continue in the night. Beasts will come out even thought we have high rankers here, it will be hard in the night. We should find shelter somewhere," Meng thought as she looked around. She then spotted a cave ang turned back to them. "Okay! Let's all head into the cave so we'll have our rest again! Leave the carts and horses outside!" Meng shouts and they sighed. After walking for a few minutes towards the cave, the men got off from the carts and tied the horses' leashes onto low branches tightly in a grassy area. They then took their lanterns and needs before entering the cave. It was dry and really big inside, they began to settle after placing the lanterns around. Meng sat down and began examining the map to know where they are already located. "What are you doing?" Miss Sun asks as she peeked from behind Meng. It startled her but she remained calm. "I'm checking our location," she plainly answers. "May I look with you?" Miss Sun asks and Meng answered 'yes.' Miss Sun moved closer as she was peeking from behind, resting her chin on Meng's shoulder. "I suddenly feel uncomfortable. What is so soft against my back? Wait- don't tell me-?!?!?!" Meng thought as she silently cried inside her mind. Meng tried to focus on the map but her mind kept thinking about what she should do in this situation. "Oh God! How could a woman's breast be this big?! How does she even carry them easily?!" she thought as she glanced at them in fear. Quickly, she turned back to face the map. "I can't bear to even look at them! She always suffocates me when she gives hugs!" Meng shouts in her mind as she struggles to focus on her work. From a few meters away, she could hear the whispers the men are talking about.

"Look at the boy, so lucky," one says.
"Yeah, Miss Sun is actually nice to him," another states.
"Does she like the young type of boys? Wish I knew that when I was younger," another adds.

"You men got it all wrong!" Meng thought as she cried in silence. Few minutes later, Miss Sun was confused on why Meng was being quiet for some time, and even as stiff as a tree. The voice of Miss Sun snapped Meng out of her so called 'dying mind.' "Ah? Oh? I must've spaced out," Meng thought as she nervously turned to look at Miss Sun. "Ahem, I've located where we are. We are  in a cave inside the forest nearby the mountain pass in going to the Snowy Mountain Ranges. If we start as early by dawn tomorrow, we might arrive by early light," Meng says as she pointed at the spots on the map. Miss Sun was amazed by how much Meng knew about the areas yet she was just still 18 who never really got out of the city. "But why don't we continue after dinner? We would arrive earlier right?" Miss Sun asks and Meng looked at her. "Well, in these areas, there would be some beasts lurking around. We can't lose any men before we even reach the Snowy Mountain Ranges," Meng answers. "She is smart. I wonder when she actually got to travel?" Miss Sun asks as she nodded in satisfaction. "Anyway, I will go to have my dinner. You don't go anywhere," Miss Sun says and Meng pouts. "I'm already an adult," Meng says as Miss Sun giggled at her attitude. "Okay, I'll go ahead," Miss Sun says as she walked away. Meng then stood up and walked outside the cave to scan the area for any beasts. Glancing up at the sky, it was clear with twinkling stars and the moon was still shining brightly. "I wonder how everyone at the mansion is. How is brother's meeting going on?" Meng thought to herself before she inhaled deeply and exhaling. Turning her head, she saw the men already eating. "Okay, time for me to eat as well," Meng mumbled as she took another wrapped up meal from her bag. It is still the same buns and milk but Meng couldn't care less. She loves the buns and milk, so, she began to eat her own meal as she just stared at the night sky.

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