First Brother!

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Meng cannot believe what she was seeing. She was frozen in place as she stood in front of a floating man with blue waves of light surrounding him, eyes closed shut. Meng fell to the ground on her knees as she let tears escape her eyes and drip onto the floor like raindrops. "B-brother! Y-you're alive!" Meng says between sobs. Looking up once again, she stood up and walked towards him. Reaching out her hand, she held his hand, the hand that always held her when she was young. Meng pulled him out of the circling waves of light and they disappeared as he fell to the ground. "He's warm. Were those keeping him warm in this cold place?" Meng asked herself as she hugged him and sobbed. "Brother is safe after all this time," Meng says. Wiping away her tears, she glanced at his face. He became more mature from the last time she saw him and more good-looking as well. "Wait, was the woman the one who kept him safe? What is their relation to each other? I need to ask him, bur first I need to bring them back home with me," Meng thought as she stood up. "I need to tell some men to help me with them!" Meng thought as she quickly got out of the house and ran all the way back to the cave of the Huang Ni fruits. Upon arriving, she stopped at the entrance and bent down to catch her breath. "Huh?" some men said as they looked up at her. "I need two men with me right now!" Meng shouted as they trembled at her serious voice. Two men went up to her and stared at her in confusion. "What do you need?" one of them asks. "Follow me! I need you to carry to people for me," Meng instructed and they nodded. Going back to the place where Meng found them, the two men were amazed when they arrived. "Down there quick!" Meng shouted as they ran down, sliding on the snow for a faster pace. Upon arriving, Meng turned to face them. "You two carry one each. One of you go inside this house and carry the man there and you go carry that woman there," Meng ordered and they obeyed. Both did their job as told so, Meng felt satisfied that they didn't complain. "Let's go back and call the rest so we can get out of here," Meng says and they exited the large area. After arriving at the cave the men were in, Meng told them to get out now and they did so.

At the outskirts of the mountains~

Miss Sun was standing outside, waiting for the men and Meng to come back. "There they are!" a man shouts which made Miss Sun to look up. A sigh of relief escaped her lips to see the men coming back safe. Yet, the men who were carrying the Huang Ni fruits were coming ahead which made Miss Sun confused. "Why can't I see Meng? Isn't she suppose to be the first one to come?" Miss Sun thought as she looked everywhere until she saw 3 figures coming. When they arrived, Miss Sun was happy that Meng was okay. "Go put them on one of the carts and cover them with warm blankets," Meng says and the men nodded before walking away. "Who were those Meng?" Miss Sun asks and Meng turned to look at her. "The man is my first brother, the woman, I don't know who she is but she tried to keep me away from the house my brother was in," Meng answered and Miss Sun understood immediately. "Okay, was the mission successful?" Miss Sun asks and Meng nodded. "That's good to hear," Miss Sun stated. "Okay, shall we go now?" Miss Sun adds and Meng nods. "Okay! Fix everything! We will be leaving now!" Miss Sun shouted and the men agreed. "My brother is back," Meng thought as she sighed in relief. "Second brother will be happy to see him, father as well," Meng said to herself before getting on the black stallion. "Time to head back!" Mng shouted as the horse neighed.

Back at West Wind City~

Some men escorted Meng and her brother with the woman back to their mansion. Miss Sun was also with them. Upon arriving, Meng called out for Mia and moments later, Mia came out from the mansion. A bright smile appeared on her face as she happily shouts, "Welcome back, miss!" Meng jumped off from the stallion and hugged Mia. "Mia, I need you to go and fix the guestrooms now, I have important people with me," Meng says as Mia nods. "Might I ask who?" Mia asks with curiosity and Meng sighed. "I'll explain later, go and do your job," Meng says and Mia pouts before leaving. "Meng, do you need anything else?" Miss Sun asks. "No, thank you for escorting me back home. Now that you have the Huang Ni fruits, you will be able to make better pills," Meng happily says and Miss Sun nods. "Yes, thank you again. Please, maybe next time, if you have another prescription, do tell us and we will give you anything valuable in return," Miss Sun says and Meng nods. "I will, farewell and I'll see you around," Meng says as she smiled and waved. Miss Sun smiled back before going inside the carriage. Meng watched as the carriage and other carts disappear from her sight. "Now, to settle things," Meng told herself as she pulled the stallion inside gently. After Meng put it in their stable, she got some hay and fed them to it. "I'll call you Shadow," Meng says as she pats its head which made it neigh at the sound of its nice name. "Miss, it is done," Mia says from behind her which made Meng turn. Meng sighed as she turned and left with Mia by her side. "Miss, who were those people earlier?" Mia asks and Meng looked at her. "The man is my first brother; Xuan Xing. He went to a distant place to retrieve something but it had been years since I last saw him. When I found him, I felt happy. However, that woman, as a beast didn't allow me to get near him and so I had to fight with her. She pleaded me not to touch him before fainting so I was suspicious about their relationship. I brought her back for questioning," Meng answers as Mia glanced at the sky. "It's pretty complicated, huh?" Mia asks which made Meng look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" Meng asks. "Life is complicated, you would never know what would happen," Mia answers and Meng nods. "Oh yes, how was everything here? How was my father?" Meng asks and Mia turned to face her. "Nothing serious happened and old master has been taking the pills regularly as well," Mia answers in a cheerful tone. "Good, father is still stable. He will want to see first brother again," Meng happily thought as she looked ahead. "Mia, let's go to my room and you prepare my bath," Meng ordered and Mia nodded. They then made their way to Meng's bedroom and entered. Mia walked into the bathroom to prepare the warm water as Meng selected her clothes to change in. After selecting, Meng was about to take off her clothes when Mia spoke, "It's ready, miss." Meng nods and gestures her to go out of the room and she did, leaving Meng alone. Meng then continued to take off her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself. Walking into the bathroom, she took off the towel and soaked into the warm water. Meng sighed happily as she felt the warmness of the clean water surround her body. She finds it relaxing. An hour passed and Meng was done taking a bath, she got out of the tub and wiped herself with the towel before wrapping it around her body. Getting out of the bathroom, she starts to wear her clothes and tie her hair up. "I should go and check on first brother. Did he wake up?" Meng thought as she finished putting her dirty clothes away. She then wore her shoes and exited her room. Heading towards the guest room, she arrived by the door of the room her brother is staying at. As she was close to the door, she heard sobbing from the inside. "Huh? Cries? Who is it?" Meng thought as she peeked through the small space in thr door. "Oh... Wooo... Wake up," the woman with blur hair sobbed. Meng sweatdropped. "Of course, I forgot to tell them to bring her down to the dungeon, instead they brought her here with brother. And Mia didn't tell me though," Meng thought in annoyance. She then pushed the door open all of a sudden making the woman turn to face her. "You! What have you done to him?" the woman asks. "Excuse me, but I wanna talk to you. Let's go outside shall we?" Meng says and the woman glared at her. "No! I don't want to leave my own husband with someone I don't know! Are you that young arrogant man's servant?!" she coldly shouts at Meng. Meng was astonished and speechless at what she heard. "Are my ears deceiving me? Husband? So she.... Is my.... Elder sister-in-law?" Meng thought as she stared at the woman, unable to say a word for the moment. "You have to stay away from him," the woman hissed at Meng which made her snap out of her thoughts. "You are his wife?" Meng finally asked and the woman glared at her. She just shook her head and stood up. "Why didn't you tell me?" Meng asks and the woman stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asks in a more calm manner. "I am the boy you fought with, yes. But that man is my brother, whether you believe me or not, he is," Meng clearfully told her and she was shocked. "You are his sister? He never told me that he had a sister," the woman says in surprise. "Yes. I am Xuan Meng, his youngest sister. I believe you are my sister-in-law," Meng says and the woman looked away. "A-are you t-telling the truth?" the woman asks as she turned to face her again. "Would someone lie to a person for this reason? Come on, believe me. I really am his sister. Let's see when he wakes up," Meng says and the woman sighs. "Okay, I believe you. Will he be okay?" the woman asks. "Of course. I promise you," Meng says as she held both her arms up. "Since you are my brother's wife. Please come and tell me everything," Meng says as she walked towards the lady. She turned to look at her husband but sighed in defeat. "Okay," she answers and stands up. Both women then exited the room to leave the sleeping man rest. They then walked towards the backyard garden and sat down on a bench under a beautiful sakura tree. "Now, tell me everything," Meng says in excitement which made the woman giggle. "Her giggle is cute! No wonder brother married her. But why didn't her tell me?" Meng thought as she smiled at her. "What is your name by the way?" Meng adds and the woman faced her. "It's Xuan Lu," she answered plainly. "It all happened last year...." she began to speak.

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