Chapter 2

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5 years old~

I am five, a dreadful age cause I gotta start my etiquette classes. Even with my doting family I still have to do it, I am royal after all. However all I hear these days are:

"Sit straighter!"

"No that's not how you drink tea!"

"No no no, you don't eat like that!"

"That's not how you write!"

"You don't walk like that!"

Like SERIOUSLY? Give me some slack! I never knew there was a right way to drink tea! Like what the heck?

It's not like I care either! So leave me alone! I wanna sleep. I'm a old lady that needs her beauty sleep! Not your yelling!

I'm seriously dying inside out.

"It's okay, Yuki" my good brother came up to me patting my back after an étiquette lesson.

"Onii-San! I don't want to keep doing this! My back hurts!" I cried into his chest grabbing onto his shirt. Brother gave me a hug. Taiyo Kimura, my twin and honestly the person I like the most, he lets me use his tail as a pillow, and brings me snacks.

"It'll be okay..." he rubbed my back.

"What happened sweetie?" My mother came rushing up.

"My back hurts...." I looked up showing them my watery puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe we should call off her lessons...." father said. My eyes instantly brightened up.

"You know we can't do that..." mother said, when I heard her I swore my world just shattered. I once again buried my head in my brother's chest, sniffling.

"How about we call it off for a week, I'll bring Yuki-chan out to play and get some snacks." I lifted my head eyes full of hope, I looked over at mother and father.

"Pu-lease! I promise I'll be good!" They sighed.

"Fine, fine" my father said waving his hands. I instantly jumped up and down with joy, clapping my hands, I hugged brother.

"Onii-San I love you the most!" I can see him smiling as he rubbed my head.

So we went out everyday, bought snacks and candy, and my were they were heavenly! We played and enjoyed our time. It was fun cause the for ¾ of my day I was sleeping. I also experimented with my magic, older brother watched me. He awoken his magic early, he had fire and lightning. So with my magic we spied on our parents, made flying dragons out of origami, life was good.

Unfortunately that joy didn't last long. After the week past I went back to class, I swear it was more tortuous than before. At the end of the day I would collapse into tears, older brother would comfort me, letting me use his tail as a pillow. And boy it was soooooooooo soft. It's official my brother will always be the best!

Time past torturously again. Now at the age of 8. The awakening ceremony begins.

"Yuki-Chan! Come on we're gonna be late!" My brother called out.

"Coming~" I called back. Twirling in the red kimono, and giving myself one last look in the mirror I walked out. My brother stood there his suit gave him a mature look, even though he was only 8 I know for a fact women will be swarming him once we get older.

"Ready?" He asked, it was our awakening ceremony, something everyone goes through no matter the status, if I'm not mistaken, this is also where I'll meet the heroine for the first time! I nodded to my brother.

"Is Onii-San ready?" I asked him cutely

"Of course!" Even though he already awaken his magic, he may have more if he awakened them so early. It's either that or he has a huge amount of mana. I think it's the mana but only due to the game in my past life.

"Well then let's go!" We walked out, this year the awakening ceremony is held in the Fox Palace, every children in the east that turned 8 this year attends. Meaning all the other capture targets will be here, not because they turned eight, but the fact that they are all high social status. I'll meet my cousin too, although I He did come visit, I would always be asleep, so I don't know him very well, my brother however, well they're best friends. Kaito Kondo, Prince of the Vermillion Bird Clan my cousin. 9 years old.

The other two I think one is Haruka Sato, Prince of the Tiger Clan, and Hideaki Ito, Prince of the Dragon Clan.

Well here we go!

"Announcing the arrival of Prince Taiyo Kimura and Princess Yukino Kimura of the Fox Clan!"

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