Chapter 30

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The black blobby thing stood there, releasing a pressure that caused all the soldiers to drop, many dying.

Yukino and the others stood there, sweat dripping from their faces. 

The Warlords, the strongest beings in the Onsu world. They could all feel it. They were simply their preys.

The king got up and laughed maniacally, "It's you again! How does it feel? To lose to the same people twice? To watch as they die in front of you?! To be able to do nothing as we slaughter them?!"

Yukino shook slightly as she heard the words.


Why was nothing enough?

Why is this happening again?

Why can't they win?

Why won't the Onsus die?

Why, why, why, why, why, why??

The Onsu king took great pleasure when he saw the fearful and frustrated faces of his enemies. Yes. This is how it should be! They were meant the rule the multiverses!

"Go my lord! Kill them all!"

The giant darkness moved and Yukino felt herself fall slowly.

Why are you still alive?

Those words again rung in her head and she suddenly realized.

Yukino had used her life in her first life, attempting to kill the Onsus, but a person is only only bound to one life, their souls will just travel, wether to a different world or in the same world. Their soul is still there. 

The soul was the key. Thousands of lifetimes, not just one. 

To kill them would require the sacrifice of a soul. 

So Yukino got one.

She desperately pulled all her powers out, draining her current body and let her powers suck up her soul. 

Sakura and Souta immediately looked over when they saw the bright and glowing silver light. And they knew. Screaming out, they begged Yukino to stop, but it was unheard. The Warlord stopped when he felt the dangerous gathering of the energy and immediately went and attacked it. However, Jessica, Lural, and Rashia blocked him and was sent flying back, the time they bought was not much but it was just enough for Yukino to finish.

Yukino, with her soul completely drained, released her hold on the energy. It didn't attack the Onsus. However, the light spots that fell, like snowflakes, immediately killed the Onsus. The warlord and king struggled but with the attacks of the thousands they too fell.

Yukino fell to the ground.

"Yukino! Yukino! Yukino!" The cries of Yukino's brother and friends caused her eyes that were closed to open, revealing a fair of tired yet happy crystalline eyes. "Why? Why did you do that?"

Yukino didn't, couldn't respond, so she just smiled. Sakura cried as she again watched her beloved queen die in front of her. Souta and Taiyo looked on emptily and watched as her body reduced to nothing. 

Sweep away by the wind.

When the morning ends,

Find me once again,

In a dreamworld

Where a new land uncurls.

Bright and beautiful.

Safe and bountiful.

So don't regret.

You cannot regret,

The choices that you've made.

The promises you've kept.

Keep moving forward,

With the winds and seas.

Keep moving onwards,

Towards that rising sun.

But never  stop.

Don't you halt.

Don't you hesitate another moment.

Take a step forward,

Because when the morning is gone,

And the night finally ends,

Even if I'm not here

I'll be able to see the sun

Rise again.


I'm never truly gone.


And that's the end...

Was it too sudden? Although I said I wouldn't update till the story on Dreame reaches a certain amount of likes, I updated.

BECAUSE I was bored. And the fact that the story on Dreame is so different (it will also have a very different ending) so there was no point in putting this story off.

To those who stuck through my trashy writing, sudden ending, and the killing of Yukino, thank you!

I hope you enjoyed! And thank you once again!

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