Chapter 29

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Yukino walked into the private room that held another five people. The tanned skin female followed.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Yukino asked once everyone was seated.

"The Onsus." The emerald eyed girl replied.


"I'm Rashia. Of the God's Clan in the South." The female said.

"I'm Jessica, from a tribe in the forest. West." The blonde hair and green eyed female that lead the four people team.

"I'm Lural, of the Ice Spirit Clan in the North." The girl with icy blue hair with matching eyes said. She was the leader of the six people.

"Yukino. Fox Clan. East."

"And you already know who we are." Long Yu said with Bai Ku nodding. 

"We're here to talk about the Onsus." Bai Ku said as a heavy silence followed. Engulfing the room in a thick tension.

"What about them?" Yukino asked.

"Well..." Long Yu leaned in, "In all the worlds the Onsus will strike exactly five years after their arrival."

"Meaning we have about four and a half years before the complete destruction of this world." Rashia finished.

"Exactly." Bai Ku nodded. "We gathered you four here because all of you were the most powerful existence of your world. Along with all the other from the worlds. You can take it as that this is God's attempt to save the universe. Since the Onsus always attack at the same time. In every single world."

"So what you're saying is that we just have to kill all the Onsus in this world. It shouldn't be that hard right? If I had known about them before that five years were up I would have killed them all!" Jessica said while Lural nodded in agreement. The other looked at the two with eyes filled with disdain. A good leader after all should be aware of what going on.

"We need to gather out allies and attack the weaker Onsus to lessen the number we have to fight during the main battle." Rashia said.

"Exactly, I want all of you to lead your people and kill the Onsus in your respective continent, the Onsus main fortress is at the center continent." Long Yu said.

Yukino's eyes flickered to him. "How do you know all of this?" She asked.

Long Yu and Bai Ku just smiled sadly but said nothing. Unable to stand the uneasy silence Lural and Jessica started fidgeting.

"I'll do it." Yukino said, "However my main magic right now is ice, and as far as I know it is very useless against the Onsus..." Yukino found it enviable that her friends has the exact same magic, even though Sakura didn't start with it, and they even look exactly the same.

"It'll change, probably within another month or two." Bai Ku said. "However are you willing to do it?" 

"I'm willing, but I will not force my friends if they don't want to.. I've wasted their lives enough already." And I killed them. Regret and guilt poured into her heart at the thought of their sad smiles when they died at the claws of the Onsus. "If they wish to risk their lives again and battle then I won't stop them, but I will not force them either."

"You don't have to force us." Yukino's head snapped at the sound of Sakura's voice, "You were the one that picked us up when no one else would, the one who feed us even though you, yourself, struggled to place food on your own plate. Our lives are dedicated to you." Yukino smiled at the words, a warm, soft smile at the nodding of the ten people who stuck with her, through thick and thin.

"We will also join." Rashia said, "I've already talked with them."

"We're joining too!"

"Us as well!"

Long Yu smiled, "Now the main problem is how we are going to defeat them." 

"I tried sealing them, I managed to do it to the lesser Onsus but the higher ranked ones weren't affected at all. And I used my entire life-force to do it." Rashia's teeth were clenched.

"Your life force?" Long Yu asked.

"Yes.." Rashia nodded.

"Then why are you still alive?" 


The tournament went by in a flash, Yukino was still in a daze from the conversation. 

Why are you still alive?

Still alive?



The last sentence rung through her head day and night. Even when the announcer announced the winners of the tournament was again, the South.

Why are you still alive?


Four years passed as Yukino lead her team to kill all the Onsus in the East, she convinced the rulers to join them, speaking about her experiences from her first life. At first they didn't believe but when an Onsu attacked one of the royal families they had no choice but to join.

Soldiers trained. Suns set. Moons rose. And seasons changed.

At last the final battle drew near, Yukino's powers from her first life appeared. The power of not only creation but destruction.

"Today we march into battle. Not only for our continent, our world. But for ourselves, for what we believe in. Soldiers! Fight, win, and celebrate for what you have done..." Yukino's sentence at first was full of inspiration, then at her last sentence, though quiet was still heard throughout the masses of people.

Four gigantic armies, with flags raised, marched towards the dark army. To get slaughtered, or to slaughter.

The people fought along the generals, organized with each attack and formation.

Then a chill made them freeze. 

An Onsu King.

Four people ran right towards it. While eighteen helped everyone snapped out of their fears and get reorganized.

"Today will be your death!" Jessica yelled. Her blonde hair flying behind her. She surrounded the king with the celestial flames. The king simply molded itself with the ground and came up from behind. She whipped around. Rashia used her telekinesis power to slow down the movement of the king. Lural held her hand out, her gravitational power pulled the king down.

The three fought as Yukino readied her destruction power, molding it into a spear of pure destruction. The three covered her, knowing it was the only way the king would die. At last it was ready. She threw herself at the king her spear in hand. Just as it was about to hit the king it was stopped.

Another aura that even caused the four and their companions to freeze.

"My lord!" The king yelled. He turned towards the four who stood frozen and laughed. "Do you really think that the Onsu royals are the strongest? Although the Kings holds the most power the strongest are their generals, or in our cases, our War Gods. Be prepared to be annihilated."

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