Chapter 21

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After the trial, Yukino dragged Sakura out.

"Let's get outta here..." Yukino said as she recalled the incident during the awakening ceremony. Sakura followed with no resistance, silently agreeing as well as recalling the faces.

"By lord of glory, why are you walking so fast?" Taiyo said, trying to keep up with his twin that was literally running away.

"I'm hungry." Yukino answered. "I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm exhausted. I'm in a bad mood. Thus I don't really want to do anything right now."

"Oh." Taiyo took in the look in Yukino's eyes and he could tell that his sister was not joking. "Okay." He gave a nod to Yukino and turned to once again converse with the rest of Class S, each sharing their opinions about their new classmate.

Walking awhile they reached the courtyard and just as Sakura and Yukink was about to say their goodbyes, two devils appeared.

"Hey aren't they the new students?" LiRong asked, directing almost everyone's attention to them. The other students who were also leaving stopped and stared at the two. Several girls plainly eye raped them without any sense of shame.

"Shiz! What's up with our luck?" Sakura asked in exasperation.

"No chez Sherlock..." Yukino replied, eyeing the two warily.

"Hello." They both said, the silver haired male had an annoying smirk on his face but the dark haired face was cold like ice. The golden eyes scorched Yuki as he stared, no studied, Yukino.

The entire Class S gave a greeting back as LiRong asked if theres anything that they needed. This question caused the black haired man's lips to raise slightly, into the beginning of a smirk.

"Yes, in fact we do." He answered as the two set of eyes landed on Yukino and Sakura. Yukino's and Sakura's stomach sank as a bad feeling settled in her. The black haired man started walking towards her all the while everyone else stared. He leaned in, his breath fanned her ear and Yukino felt her entire body heat up. "You remember me?"

"Hey! What are you doing to my sister?!" Taiyo asked, anger evident in his voice, his protectiveness evident in his facial expression and action. He went up to the Male and roughly pulled him away. The silver haired man chuckled at the sight, while the person getting dragged away was wearing a very unpleasant expression. Yukino shot her twin a grateful look.

"My apologies, my friend just recognize his lover." The silver haired man said. Eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint.

"WHAT???!!!!!!!" Everyone's mouth was again gaping like a fish. "LOVERS???!!!! THEY'RE LOVERS????????!!!!!!!!" Some females nearly cried on spot. While some males nodded their heads.

"So that's why they kept staring at the balcony."

"Un, it all makes sense now." Yukino's eyes twitched. Stop making assumptions! She cried tears internally.

"I think you have recognized the wrong person." Yukino said through gritted teeth. A tight smile plastered onto her face. Her hand was crushing the arm of Sakura, but Yukino wasn't aware.

"No, no me and my friend knows it you. Otherwise why else would we come here? Besides if you all want to know she is mine, so don't think about touching her." The silver man pointed his finger at Sakura while he said that. Seemly quite proud.

Sakura's and Yukino's eyes twitched. Are these people mental?

However, the people watching mouth seemed to have dug a hole into the ground as they looked back and forth between the males and females.

Seeing this Yukino quickly said something in hopes of dispelling any rumors that may pop up because of this.

"I don't know those two." Eyes grave and innocent she stared at the crowd, daring them to speak back.

"How can you say that!" The silver haired man ask dramatically, placing his hands over his heart as if he was greatly hurt from the sentence.

"Sakura do you know them?" Yukino asked her best friend. Her reply was a shake of the head. "See, we don't know you. So shoo! Bye!"

Yukino didn't realize that her statement cause a certain person's eyebrows to furrow and eyes to narrow. She realized it after the certain person teleported the four of them somewhere else.

Thud! Yukino fell flat on her bottom and she let out a groan as she stood observing the surroundings. Trees, trees, trees, and leaves.

"Why are we here?" Sakura asked, a frown gracing her face.

"Where are we?" Yukino asked. "Oh, and who are you?"

"Well for the first question you're here so we can talk properly."

"We have nothing to talk about though." Sakura coldly said.

"Actually, we have plenty of things to talk about, but can I get your names or something, or else I'm just gonna be calling you idiot one and idiot two." Yukino cut in before the silver haired man could respond, which will have just probably lead to an unending argument.

".... I'm Bai Ku and he is Long Yu." The silver haired man introduced himself and his friend.

"Cool, next question. Why are we here?"

"To talk, duh."

"Okay, where are we?"


"Nice, what do you wanna talk about?  Make it quick cause I'm missing my afternoon nap."

"Well it simple actually."

"Okay..? Please continue." Yukino made a circle motion with her hand indicating to Bai Ku toooooo hurry up.

Bai Ku smiled and turned to Sakura, dropping down onto a knee he asked, "Will you be my wife?"


Done! Free! No more school!!!!!

Okay as promised I updated! I'll update again this week so yeah, my goal is to complete this story before summer ends and I have to go back to school.

Btw, should I try for the Wattys 2019?

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