Chapter 14

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After getting ready and placing everything into our assigned room, the student council and the new royals we headed towards the area where the commoners were having their trials.

I am currently following my peers my brother, Sakura and her brother. My royal mask was on. The cold face, half hidden behind my fan that was slightly swaying. Everyone in the group gave off an amazing aura, one that only the royals have.

Soon we arrived at a large stone stadium, cheers could be heard. Walking towards the colosseum the people bowed as we passed. We went to the high balcony, a VIP area obviously. We watched as the people filed in and the announcer talk using magic to project his voice, explaining the rules, it was quite simple.

Third Person POV

"All you have to do is kill a magic beast and you'll be permitted in." The people looked very determined. "Get in line, you'll get one chance and you'll each do it separately." Everyone lined up. "First one, please come up, the rest of you get back." The people stepped behind a line. The one in front was from than the Fox Clan. "We will begin." Then with a snap of his fingers the floor rumbled, and a roar was heard.

A magical beast was set free and the fox in the middle paled. He moved quickly, barely dodging the fierce claws of the tiger. However this seemed to enraged the tiger. The tiger swiftly turned around, roared and pounced again. The fox dodged again, and it became a cat and mouse game. However the fox was hit eventually a huge wound across his chest. The tiger then jumped at the fox that couldn't move.

"Ack!" The fox let out a cough of pain. He looked up and saw the tiger baring its teeth at him. Yet... he didn't look scared. His face was plain, not letting a single emotion show. The tiger bent its neck as if going for the kill.

Boom! The tiger went flying, the people looked at the direction of where the attack came from and was shocked to find their eyes land on the royals and student council balcony. Their eyes found their way to the girl with white hair wearing an icy blue dress, in her hand held a just as icy blue fan. Her pale blue, yet electric eyes scanned the crowd.

"Fox Princess/Yukino, you are not allowed to interfere with the trials." LiRong said along with the announcer.

"Huh? I thought it was a trial not a gateway to hell." Her cold voice rung through the silent stadium.

"Princess, only the strong survive, the weak gets devoured." The announcer said.

"Even a rabbit can kill." She replied.

"Please do not interfere."

"I thought I was saving someone from dying." She innocently blinked her eyes.

"Princess you can not interfere." Yukino just shrugged, "Souta, you are eliminated, please leave." The fox bit his lips.

"What a disgrace." A cold voice cut through the laughter of the people waiting as well as the nobles on seats. The people paused when they heard that, then bursted into a laughter, the Panda Princess just completely ruined the boy's pride. "You are much stronger than that, what happened to make it so that you couldn't even defeat a little kitten?" The fox looked up, a flash of recognition flashed through his eyes. "Right now you aren't fit." The fox looked down. Yukino put her hand on Sakura's arm to tell her to stop.

The fox however looked up and stared straight at the announcer. "Give me another chance."

"No, one chance per person."

"I interfered though." Yuki said. "Who knows maybe he had a way to kill the beast, we never found out." The announcer's eyes flashed as he looked towards the student council president. The white and black haired man nodded, giving his permission.

"Fine." He huffed angrily. "Only one more chance." He waved his hand and another beast came charging out. "This one's harder though." He looked at the fox in the middle mockingly, along with the rest of the population besides those on the balcony.

The fox in the middle just stood up, fixed his ripped shirt, and wiped the blood off. The beast charged at the boy.

"Haha, he's dead." Whispers similar to this were spread out through the whole stadium. However a sudden burst of red light filled their sights.

[It's The fox orb.] fluffball said to Yukino.

"The fox orb?"

[A legendary item each fox has it's born within them however less than 1% of the population can actually activate it. It's super powerful.]

"Kind of like a nine tailed fox of legends?"

[Yes. Not only that it seems that he can control his fox orb.]

"Is that shocking?"

[Of course, of the less than 1% that actually activates 99% of them die from insanity. The 1% that survive are miracles, geniuses. The first fox king was one of the controllers of the fox orb.] The eyebrows of Yuki's shot up. Her eyes went back to the center of the stage where the boy stood calmly even as the beast charged towards them. He raised his arm and did a swiping motion from his left hip to the right cheek. A shot of light or fire went straight through the neck of the beast.

Everyone's jaws dropped. The light soon faded, the boy walked out leaving behind the body burnt beyond recognition. He fell to a knee in front of the balcony.

"Souta, one of the divine guardians greets her royal majesty."

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