Chapter 2: Week Before Debut

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William finished his work out session and he settled in the locker room. Then he got a knock on the door from the NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint.

Saint: hello William, I want to personally welcome you to our NXT UK

William: pleasure is all mine sir; you can call me Will if you want

Saint: okay Will, I want to come tell you that you'll be making your debut next week

Will: okay sir

Saint: you'll be going against Jordan Devlin

Will: Devlin... wait, he's Finn Balor's protege

Saint: that's right

Will: my debut match is against the first ever WWE Universal Champion's protege

Saint: good luck next week

Will: thank you sir

As Sir Saint left, Will was overwhelmed of the news. Then Pete, Tyler and Trent came in.

Tyler: why are you so happy, mate?

Will: well boys, I'll be making my debut next week

Trent: oh that's splendid news, my friend

Pete: who will you be facing?

Will: I'm facing Finn Balor's protege Jordan Devlin

Tyler: wow, that's a big test

Will: and it's perfect to make a name for myself on the brand

Pete: good luck, mate

Will: thanks Pete

Trent: want to grab some lunch with us?

Will: sure, but I'm gonna take a shower first

Trent: I agree man, you reek!

Will: thanks for the insult, Trent

Pete: we'll wait for you outside your locker room

Will: cheers

(5 minutes later)

Will changed into his casual/formal clothing which was a blue blazer with a white polo shirt, brown pants and shoes and met with British Strong Style outside his locker room.

Will: well gentlemen, are we off?

Tyler: wait, we're waiting for two more people

Pete: we've invited these two to join us

Trent: I hope you don't mind, Will

Will: the more the merrier

Tyler: they should be coming; ah, here they are

The two people the group invited was none other than Dakota and Toni.

Trent: hello ladies

Dakota: hi guys

Pete: ready to go?

Tyler: shall I escort you, Dakota?

Dakota: why of course you can, Tyler

Tyler held out his arm for Dakota to hold.

Pete: William, be a gentleman and escort Toni, will you?

Will: shall I escort you, Miss Storm?

Toni smiled and blushed.

Toni: sure, you can escort me, William

Will: you can call me Will, to make it easier for you

Toni: okay Will, but this is not the way to escort me

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