twenty nine

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INSISTED BY ROMULUS, Lyla sat upon his lap as they awaited Liam and Daeva to come inside his office. She did it willingly, using it to her advantage to try to keep the strong Alpha at bay. His right hand stayed clasped on her thigh as his left hooked itself around her waist to keep Lyla from moving. He craved Lyla's touch and having her sat upon his lap gave him all the energy he needed to deal with the situation at hand.

As they stayed silent within the room, a knock echoed off of the mahogany door, following it being pushed open to reveal Daeva and Liam. Liam entered first, his hand clasped in Daeva's as she slowly followed behind, keeping herself somewhat shielded behind her mate.

Lyla could tell Daeva was nervous to be in the same room as Romulus, an Alpha, and a King. He exuded power from his aura that passed onto his people which caused no one to test him, not even the rebellious ones of all. She didn't blame her as if she were in her shoes; she'd be the same way. But Lyla trusted Romulus to keep his word, and as long as she was here, she was going to make sure he did.

Slowly they entered the room as the door came to a close behind them, and then locking to prevent anyone, Daeva in particular from escaping. Lyla rolled her eyes to herself subconsciously, finding it a bit unnecessary, but went along with it anyway.

Daeva peered around Liam's shoulder, dressed in a fresh pair of clothes that belonged to Lyla. She looked pretty, her hair falling to her shoulders as the color was brought back into it after a long, steamy shower. Her eyes glowed a bit more, the lightness of her eyes shining in the sunlight, most likely due to being with Liam. Her skin had luster in it again, almost like a bronzed butter that showed off her even darker freckles that were scattered across her nose.

She was a beautiful girl, and Lyla was proud of Liam for finding a beauty like her. But what she then noticed was what put a giant smile on Lyla's face, sending a cheeky wink to Liam who immediately blushed.

"You marked her," Lyla said happily to break the silence in the room. Liam nodded his head as Daeva blushed at Lyla's keen eye who then followed up to Liam's neck, seeing the same marking. "And you marked him."

A smile continued to grace Lyla's face as she watched Liam place a comforting kiss on the crown of Daeva's head before they both took a seat in the separate, blue velvet chairs, but kept their hands intertwined with one another to give the comfort they both needed at this moment.

Silence fell over the room yet again as Romulus had yet to speak, his eyes scanning both Liam and Daeva as he analyzed the mates. It was his way of seeing if any more clues lied beneath the cracks that words couldn't find. But he found none, which then caused him to speak out.

"After this meeting, you will be escorted to the north wing in which you will find your room you will be staying in. Guards will be accompanying you at all times, and four guards will be at the post outside of your room whenever you are in there." Romulus started as he kept his eye contact with Daeva, his voice firm and assertive, keeping the promise he made with Lyla. "Liam, you will be allowed to visit her whenever you please. You helped me for years with Lyla, so I shall do the same. Do not overestimate my generosity as after today we will be coming to decisions on your mate. Is that understood?"

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