Hero's Welcome

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They arrive at the Gates of Azulan a month after they left the southern radier's outpost. And despit her eagerness to get off this wretched ship dread fills her belly and head at the though of what awaits her on dry land.

Lu Ten guides her up up up the bowls of the ship at they anchor at port. Katara can feel the push and pull of the bay at the hull of their ship. Heavy and soothing like a weighted blanket she tries to focus on the rhythm of the sea as they march toward the deck. His pale hands clasped leisurely behind his back, the look on his face a mask of leisurely confidence. Nothing about the princes' royal swagger betrayed the rabbit fast hammering of his blood. His eyes scan everything. The men, the docks, the ships, their ship, the city skyline, they catch on the visible spires of the Royal palace.

"When?" Katara hisses as she tugs on his robes.

Lu Ten's thoughtful gaze darts towards her for only a beat then back up the hill towards the palace.
"Soon little Koi, let the boat dock first. I have to speak to some people before we start for the palace though," he says, his voice as demeanor as to be expected. Though Katara can see the tension pulling at the corner of his eyes.

She studies him for a moment, critically taking in his posture and tries not to shrink back as the procession starts to move.
"Spirits protect me" Katara says to herself like a prayer

"I pray they do, little Koi," Lu Ten says gravely just under his breath.

Lu Ten meets with men in the bridge, his voice the same he used to speak to soldiers. It was quick though, and too soon he loaded her into a wheel-less cariage for the trip up the lip of the volcano.

The carriage was ornate and made of what seemed to be solid gold. Carved into the shape of fire. The light from beyond the silks hit it and made the metal shine. Katara spent the climb up the mountain moving around to make the reflections look like moving fire. She giggled When she saw a rather unflattering reflection of Lu Ten. All stretched out and twisty.

"What's so funny?" He asked looking up from the scrolls he was reading.

"Your reflection in the gold, it looks ridiculous," she told the stretched Lu Ten, he found her gaze in the reflection and smiled. It twisted his face up even more and Katara squealed in glee.

Then she hears it. A dull roar, like rough waters hitting a rocky Fire Nation colony beach. Lu Ten hears it too, he leans forward and slides a part of the curtain open. Katara skootched to see too. They were at the very end of the mountain trail, and as they reached the summit the dull roar exploded. The sound of thousands of people screaming and calling for their war hero Prince was deafening. She looled out at the crowd, everyone in firey reds and yellow and oranges. Nothing like the muted colours of the port cities.

Lu Ten leaned even further to smile and wave at the people as they passed. Katara was in awe. Not only was this the most people she'd ever seen by far, but the city itself was even prettier than she could've ever imagined! She joined Lu Ten, waving at the crowd. Everyone was so excited they forgot to be confused about the little brown girl in finery.

Katara herself is so caught up in the lively mood she forgets to be afraid of the Palace growing nearer and nearer.

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