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The hall was just as Lu Ten rembered it. Deep velvet red and black wall hangings draped from the ceiling onto pillers. Floor length curtains of black hung on the walls. Golden fitxures set up around the room to reflect the fire light of the Fire Lord's dais throne. It was dark and the scent of char hung in the smokey air. The war table sat in the center of the room, Councilers and Princes alike gathered around it with serious scowls on their faces. Even his father, who had been called back from the Ba Sing Se seige upon rumors of a disobedient son.

"Pray tell, First born of my First born," Azulan's voice rumbled, breaking the silence. "What where you hoping to achive by bringing a pesant from the Southern Water Tribe into my home?"

Lu Ten had decided to take a page from the Water Tribe warriors' book and stare resolutley forward while he had been forced to stand at the table. The Councilmen and Lords kept their eyes cast down. Azulan's dias roared, the flames height belying his anger. He could feel Iroh and Ozai staring holes through him.

Lu Ten bowed deeply. "Grandfather," he said the name of endearment with reverence. "I believe that the water bender could have strategic benefit to the Fire Nation's esteem."

The flames flickered.
Azulan stayed quiet.
As did Lu Ten's father

"And what would that be, dear Nephew." Ozai inquired, venom in his voice.

"A show of dominace," Lu Ten responded evenly. "The daughter of the strongest Cheiftan on the southern continent at the Fire Nation Court would show the Fire Nation's domination of the Southern Water people. It would force them to act accordingly under the threat of her presence. And, to the rest of the Nations would be seen as submission." While his voice was smooth and calm, Lu Ten's heart was erratic. He thought of wide blue eyes that looked more like fire than ice and prayed to spirits to let him manage this.

The council members mumbeled their approval, even those who champion Prince Ozai where pleased with his explanation. The Prince remained sour.

"We have no need for the Water Tribe's cooperation," he spat. "We can squash any dissent in the area easily"

"Actually," amended Lu Ten. "The Water Tribes' are much more of an organised threat to stability than the Cabinet realises."

"That's absurd!" Ozai snarled, other voices from around the table voicing their agreement.

"Many pardons, Prince Ozai, I did not realise you had just arrived home from the region with reports, evaluations, and numbers." Lu Ten said deadpan, still staring forward.

"Enough." Azulan ordered. "Iroh, my son, have you nothing to say on this?"

All eyes turnes to the Crown Prince. Iroh cut an imposing figure seated at the right hand of the dias. His armoured robes shone golden and his topknot crown gleamed. He stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"I believe that the Prince's actions were rash, and that he opposed a direct order to get his way." Iroh said, his tone pensive. Lu Ten felt his heart sink.
"But, in his desperation he did also solve a problem that the Fire Nation's southern navy had been struggling to control.
"-I agree with my son, this Cheiftan's daughter is an excelant political piece that will prove useful of the Fire Lord's board. With the girl under your thumb the Water people will be submissive at large. Useful even. Stability is key to holding land."

The Council agreed, even Ozai nodded, knowing that he could not challenge Iroh directly without leverage.

"So you believe that the child should stay?" Azulan inquired.

"I believe she will be an excelent tool to weild at a later date, Father." Iroh nodded to the Fire Lord. His gaze briefly cut to Lu Ten sharpley, aware that he was saving his son's skin.

Ozai interjected before Lu Ten could thank his father's and grandfather's mercy.

"If the savage is to stay at court might I suggest that Prince Lu Ten be the one to take on the burden? Have her join his household as a servant, perhaps."

"An excellent idea, brother. But I believe what is esentaily a Princess to the Water people should be treated with a bit more respect then a common hand maid. Lu Ten's ward, a Lady of the court. Its a better look outwardly." Iroh said to his younger brother, turning around what was intended to be cruelty.

"Hmm" Azulan hummed. Lu Ten held his breath. For Katara be a Lady at court- it was a better outcome than he had imagined he'd get at this meeting.

"I agree," the Fire Lord finally said. "If she is to stay at my court she will be shown the hospitality due a Lady. She is, after all, a Water Tribe Princess.
"The girl will be a part of Lu Ten's household as his ward. I'll expect her to be educated as a lady of this court, and a member of my family would be. This child is a water bender? Fine, I expect her to be just as proficent in her element as my own children are in theirs. Find her a master. She is to be one of us, treat her as such."

Lu Ten bows deeply to the Fire Lord, gratitude pouring from him. "Yes Grandfather."

"Iroh, did you not say that the Boy Prince had disobeyed direct orders, yes?" Azulan continued.

"Yes, father."

"And do you not agree that this entire meeting and subsequent orders are a result of Lu Ten's weakness and dishonorly conduct?"

"Yes, father."

"What punishment do you suggest is due your son, First born?"

"Whatever you see fit Fire Lord Azulan," Iroh deffers, side stepping the question.

Azulan regared Lu Ten through his curtain of fire. Thinking.
"I will decide tommorow, Council dissmissed. Stay Lu Ten."

When everyone cleared out Lu Ten apptoached the dias.
"Grandfather," he bowed.

"What will we call this little Water Lady?"


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