Chapter 4

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"I think you should run home and change real quick and come back." I smiled as we got out of the pool.

"Sounds good. You should change too" he winked and walked out of the house.

I walked upstairs convincing myself that I dont like mikey like that. I can't like mikey like that. he's my best friend. I couldn't possibly like him. but the way he hugs me. and the way we kissed at the airport. I'm not sure how to feel about him.

I changed into grey sweatpants and a black tanktop.

The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to find Michael clifford standing at my door.

"Maddie they're going to be here any minute!" he rand in and closed the door.

"I know" I laughed at his exaggeration.

He sat on the couch and pulled me down next to him. he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I turned the tv on. I don't mind. Wait. should I mind?

"Wait are you guys a thing?" my mom and mrs clifford came in as my mom asked us.

"No!!!" I said to her.

"Are you sure?"

"Just friends" mikey said and seemed annoyed.

"I don't know. you guys said that in 9th grade but don't think we didn't see you guys at the airport." mrs clifford laughed.

"What? you guys weren't looking though" mikey turned around to face them.

"We see everything. We're mothers." My mom laughed and started putting stuff away with mrs clifford.

"I'm going upstairs." I said and mikey followed me. I don't like him. I can't like him.

"So are we a thing?" he asked me. yes. no. maybe. I don't know. what do I say??

"Nah." I smiled and hugged him. "you never asked me out" holy shit what did I just say.

"Well in that case. maddie. will you be my girlfriend?" No. I will not.

"Of course I will" I smiled and kissed his cheek. holy crap. what the fuck did I just say?

"Perfect. just the way things should be" he hugged me from behind again. god I love it when he does that. I guess I might actually like him.

"So are we gonna tell our parents or not?" I smiled. I didn't care if they knew.

"Nahh. they can figure it out themselves" he smiled, leaned down and kissed me. it's official. I like him.

The way he loves me [michael clifford fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now