Chapter 9

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"Hey madison! what movie are we gonna watch?" Calum said as I answered the door.

"Obviously the nightmare before Christmas!" I said as I sat down next to Mikey with him pulling me close again. I didn't bother shutting the door because Luke is coming.

"Hey Michael! what's up man?" Calum said as he high fived Mikey.

"Sup Calum" he said. wow he already made friends with Calum! I knew it wouldn't take long. Calum always said he wanted to meet Mikey.

"Hey guys can I come in?" Luke said as he stood at the door.

"Of course you idiot!" I laughed and got up to give him a hug.

>*Mikey's POV*<

"Of course you idiot" maddie laughed and gave Luke a hug. Im maddie's idiot. that's not right. I don't like Luke.

"Hey Calum? what's with this Luke guy?" I whispered to Calum.

"Theater geek. he's really good at singing. he started talking to maddie in beauty and the beast when I introduced them. I was costume director that year." he whispered back.

"Hey maddie can we watch the movie now?" I asked and pulled her down next to me. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her tightly close to me.

she pressed play and started the movie over. It was about 10 pm the last time I looked at the clock. I looked down at maddie to see her face but she was sleeping. I kissed the top of her head. Luke left about 15 minutes ago so it was just Calum, maddie, and I.

"She'll never know how much I love her" I said out loud.

"She missed you so much" Calum said after a few seconds of silence.

"I doubt it"

"No she always talked about you. Ever since you left for Australia. The day after you left she was awfully quiet so I went to see if she was ok. we've been friends since. in beauty and the beast we had story time at dinner break. she would tell stories of you and her. I asked her one day who you were. she explained everything to me before dinner was over. you guys were meant to be" Calum told me. did she really miss me? I didn't think she'd even remember me.

"Wow" was all I had to say as the movie ended.

"Yeah. you need help carrying her upstairs or you good?" he asked.

"If you could just open her door for me. thanks man" I said as he walked upstairs and opened her door.

"No problem. I'll see you in a few days man. have fun" he said before leaving and closing the front door behind him.

I picked up maddie bridal style and carried her up the stairs. she's so light. I set her down on her bed and took out my phone to text my mom and tell her I'm spending the night.

"She'll never know" I said and kissed her cheek. It was way too early for me to sleep, so I went downstairs and watched the Lego movie for the first time.

"Mikey?" she came down the stairs as the movie ended. "oh thank god you're still here. I thought you left me" she ran across the room and embraced me in a huge hug.

"I'd never leave you" I said and hugged her back. I love her so much.

We stayed in the hug for a few minutes.

"How long was I sleeping?"

"2 hours" I smiled at her.

"What did you do for 2 hours?"

"I watched the Lego movie. it's amazing."

"Oh. I had a nightmare..." she said looking down at the floor.

"What happened?" I asked her as I tilted her head up.

"Well, in my dream it was me and you watching movies and someone came in and tried taking me away from you. and you guys were fighting. and it was terrible." she said and hugged me again. "I'm just glad it was a dream."

"I'm not letting anyone take you away from me maddie. I love you too much" I told her and kissed her head.

"Where's Calum and Luke?" she lifted her head off my chest but kept her arms around me and hugging me.

"They left when you fell asleep. well me and Calum talked a bit first. then he left." I said as she let go of me.

"What did you guys talk about?" she asked, knowing it was about her.

"How much you missed me while I was in Sydney. all the stories you told about me." she let go and looked at me smiling at her.

"Really?" she started to blush.

"Yeah. and if it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing in Sydney. but I told my friend Andy how much you meant to me and how much I missed you" I said and saw her eyes light up.

"Really?" she awed.

"Of course. I missed you so much maddie. in 9th grade when I first got there and we skyped every night. it helped a little. But not much. I didn't get to hug you. or kiss you." I said and watched her grow emotional.

"I love you so much" she said and hugged me again. but this hug was different. it felt a lot more passionate.

"I love you too"

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