Chapter 37

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"Maddie please come upstairs!!" Mikey whined, pulling at my arm, making me laugh.

"Whyyyy" I mocked his tone.

"Because I want to give you something." he said and continued pulling my arm.

"Can you at least tell me what you want to show me?"

"If you want." he said and pulled me in to whisper in my ear. Let me just tell you it was not appropriate.

"MIKEY!!!" I gasped and playfully pushed his shoulder.

"What? you wanted to know." he smirked.

"You're lucky Ashton and Calum left." I teased.

"They would've laughed too. maybe even encourage it." he pushed me against the wall and hovered over me.

"Enough for today babe" I pecked his lips and walked away.

"Not so fast sugar!" he grabbed my waist and pulled me back, hugging me he leaned down and passionately kissed me, "that's better." he smiled at me.

I looked at the clock seeing it was almost 7. shit. I need to go to mrs. Alvarez's house to fill out an application.

"Mikey I gotta go to Alvarez. I'll be back." I kissed his cheek, grabbed my phone, keys, and left. I'm so nervous. why am I so nervous? I was still in my pajamas. I don't care. mrs Alvarez has seen me in my pajamas before.

"124 Rathlin road." I said to myself as I parked next to the curb. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Madison! how nice to see you again! come in sweetie!" she answered the door.

"Hi mrs Alvarez. how are you?" I asked her and sat down on the couch next to her puppy, Cleo.

"I'm doing alright. and you?" she sat on the arm chair across from me.

"I couldn't be better!" I smiled.

"That's great! any way. so all you need to do is fill out this application and hand it to mr. zeleski. I'll help you with it. he said he'll put in an exception for you since you didn't go to college but you did devote almost all your weekends to learn about theater." she said as she pulled out a folder from the side pocket in the arm chair. In the folder she gave me a paper with a variety of questions on it.

"so start with your name." she handed me a pen, "and write neatly in print."

"Madison Whitt" I said as I wrote it down neatly.

"Answer the questions and don't drift off topic or anything." she guided me until the end.

"Thank you so much! I'll bring it in tomorrow to mr zeleski." I said as I stood up and hugged her.

"No problem Maddie. mr zeleski is going to be there with me tomorrow morning from 9 am to 1 pm. he's staying for about an hour later than me." she said as I left and started driving back home.

I walked inside and Mikey was on the phone with someone.

"Hey kitten." he hung up the phone and hugged me.

"Hiya Mikey." I kissed his cheek.

"Guess what" he said excitedly.

"What is it?" I jumped.

"I got all the plans and stuff for the wedding. I hope 2 months is enough time. September 19th to be exact."

"WHAT?! REALLY!??" I yelled in excitement.

"Yeah" he laughed.

Ok everyone!! so what do you think of the wedding? 😱 anyway so if you couldn't tell, the story is coming to an end within the next few chapters. but I'm going to start a new fanfic. its a Luke fanfic so when I put that up I'll alert y'all when it happens. and if you haven't already, check out my other fanfic its an Ashton fanfic. thanks everyoneeee!! 💕

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