Chapter 13

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"Man, I didn't notice how hungry I was before." You sigh, taking another bite of your burger.

"Hmm, too distracted by everything around you." Eridan shrugs.


It had been quite a while since you had eaten a burger. That sounds really weird, but you usually stuck with whatever was in the fridge, and more often than not, that wasn't much.

"So, what should we do when we finish?"

"Well, I want to win some teddies," Feferi smiles, "so let's go play some sideshow games."

"Ooh, sounds fun."

You shove the last of your burger into your mouth and stand up.

"Well, I'm gonna go ahead and play."

"Alright." Feferi nods.

"Wait up," Eridan sighs, "I'll come with you."

You and Eridan leave Feferi and Sollux to their own. Neither of you really talk as you both scan the booths, looking for a prize either of you wanted. Your eyes light up when you notice an (fave animal) plush sitting on a shelf in one of the stalls.

"Alright, found one."

And with that you drag Eridan to the stall.

"Fine, we'll have a few goes on this one then."

You grin and pull out a fiver. You hand it to the vender and he hands you a few tennis balls. You thank him before picking up one of the three balls. You aim before throwing it, hitting off one of the bottles. You smile as you pick up another and throw it, missing your target. You frown at that miss, but pick up the final one. You toss it, knocking over the third.

"Well, you can get any on this shelf." He points to the shelf with small plushies on it.

You scan the shelf until you notice a small purple guppy plushy.

You grin and point to it, "that one please."

He nods and grabs one, handing it to you. You thank him and turn to face Eridan. You thrust your arms forward, the toy now in his face.

"Here, for you."

Eridan looks at you, shocked, before his cheeks turn red and he snatches it from you.

"Thanks." He mutters.

"Alright, how about you pick the next game."

"Hmm, how about the hoop game over there." He suggests.

You nod and follow along beside him as you walk past the other people, squishing through to get to the stall. Once you get there Eridan pays for three rings. You stay quiet as you watch him toss the first one, which misses. You hear him curse under his breath before picking up the next ring.

"You got this." You mumble.

You didn't think Eridan would here you, but when he glances over at you, you think otherwise. You grin and Eridan goes back to concentrating. He tosses the next one, and misses again.

"God dammit!"

"Hey, calm down." you say, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Eridan looks over at you; his cheeks flushed red from anger. You smile and nod at him. He takes a deep breath and looks back at the bottles in front of him. His swiftly picks up his third ring and tosses it, not really concentrating; it lands on one of the bottles.

"Now you land!" Eridan screeches, hands thrown up in the air.

You begin to laugh, "nice one."

"Yeah, yeah."

The vender walks back towards you two, "so, only one, huh."

"Yes, "Eridan huffs."

"Well, let's see what number you got."

The man pulls the bottle from the large clutter of them, his eyebrows raise when he reads te number.

"You got 102, which means you can pick from where ever you want."

Eridan grins and begins to look up at the large stuffed animals that hung up on the wall.

"I'll take that (fave animal)."

The vender nods and takes the stuffed toy down.

"There you go, enjoy."

You both nod and he walks over to talk to another customer.


You blink as you look at the toy, which Eridan had shoved right by your face.

"Oh, thank you." You smile, taking it.

"There you guys are."

You turn around to see Feferi and Sollux walking up to you.

"Ah, you guys finally finished eating, huh." You tease.

"We weren't that long." Feferi replies, pouting playfully.

"Yeah, well, what to you guys want to try next?"

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