Of Contracts and Promises

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Chapter 3

Jisoo POV

Dating you was easy. It was fun but at the back of my mind I thought it was too good to be true, that something will go wrong so I never brought up the topic of being officially together. I mean, why rock the boat?

But you weren't having it. You insisted that not talking about it will complicate things, you want things to be clear. You even said you'd even write a contract that you'll frame just to be sure.

I knew you were right but I was stubborn myself. I didn't make it easy for you.


"I'm difficult."

"I'm stubborn myself."

"I can be insensitive at times."

We've been at it for a few minutes. Me, finding reasons to dissuade you, and you, finding reasons to counteract my reasons.

"Some says I'm too sensitive. We'll meet in the middle."

"I can be savage."

"I have a masochistic fetish"

"My first priority is Dalgom, you'll have to settle for second best."

"Even if we're enemies, I'd also choose Dalgom over you. I know he's that powerful."

"You really have an answer to everything huh?" I was really giving you excuses to run away but you're too stubborn.

"My dad once told me I'm a genius."

"But seriously though, this wouldn't be easy. I'm not easy to be with."

"As they say, Nothing worth having is easy."

"But Lisa, if we do this, we have to do this well. We really need to work hard for this to work."

"I know. And I'm more than willing to do everything for us. We'll make it work. You're Jisoo, I'm Lisa. We're the best team out there. If there's someone who could do this, it's us."

"You really have that much faith on us?"

"That or I'm just crazy. I'm kidding. Of course, I have faith in us. We're so good together. I knew you were the one for me when you first recited that Shakespeare poem. So I'll ask again, will you be my partner in crime?"

"Isn't 'girlfriend' the right term?"

"I was trying to be cool to mask my nervousness."

"Partner in crime sounds like a dirty business deal."

"Okay fine. Will you be my Jisoo and I, your Lisa?"

"Well, props for having the guts to say the cheesiest lines."

"You're really making me work for it huh?"

"This is what I'm warning you about, I'm difficult."

"Not difficult enough to make me run away. Try again."

"I'm scared."

"I'm scared too but I'll be more terrified if I let this pass by. I'm willing to take the risk, are you?"


"Okay as in 'okay I-"

"Okay meaning 'yes we're official.' Is that clear enough?"

"Thank God, I was already running out of speeches to convince you to be mine."

"You're ridiculous."

"Maybe, but I'm YOUR ridiculous."


The next day, you really wrote a contract.

I, Lalisa Manoban, promise to be the best girlfriend for the Goddess Kim Jisoo.

I promise to peel oranges for you anytime you want.

I promise to give you piggy back rides whenever your sleepy.

I promise to feed you food when your clumsy self can't feed yourself properly.

I promise to quote more Dory lines to rival your poetry.

I promise to always give you a lap dance with that famous Shark Song.

I promise to treat Dalgom as my own even though he hates me the most.

I promise to always annoy you with my 'Eehee' when you start to annoy me with your 'Ppoong'.

I promise to always walk you down the stairs though it would really be easier if you just wear flats rather than those two story heels.

I promise to be your little sunflower even though we both know your the little one between the two of us.

I promise to be your little spoon during cuddles.

I promise to be your late night snack partner

I promise to always hold your hand so you would never get lost again.

I promise to try my best to take care of you, to love you the way you deserved to be loved.

I promise to always stay and hold your hand as long as you'd let me.

I, Lalisa Manoban, promise you, Kim Jisoo, that I will be the best girlfriend that you deserve to have, and in the future the best wife that I can be.


Your Hot Thai Pepper Lalisa

I was laughing when I read it and you were so proud of it. You really signed it, made me sign it as well, framed it and put it beside your bed.


Now, I wonder, do you still have it?

Do you still remember it? Or was it already forgotten? Did you forget me too?

Do you still love me? Will you ever love me still?

I can't blame you if the answer is No.

Afterall, promises are meant to be broken.

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