Of Love Declarations and Bathrooms

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Chapter 6


You were the wordsmith between the two of us. You're the type of person who swallows a book whole and ingrain every words in your being. I'm just the brawn, the sexy brawn. hehe

We've been dating for three months then and had been official for a month when the three magical words were uttered. It was me, of course who said it first.

It wasn't during a candlelit dinner or at the peak of a carousel ride. It wasn't even planned as always when it comes to us.

I had stomach flu, my body ached, I just felt my soul was leaving my body. I called you and told you I was sorry I couldn't take you to the animal park and that I'll let you meet my sister. "Bori" next time. Twenty minutes later you came knocking at my door wearing a mask and gloves and a backpack.

You managed to feed me the most disgusting 'family' recipe you brought (I still think you just mixed whatever you have in your kitchen to get back at me for annoying Dalgom too much) saying that it is tried and tested and that it will make me feel better. Your tiny self even managed to support my gigantic self from the bedroom to the living room. You told me watching Planet of the Apes will comfort me since we'll be watching my family. Your OCD self even managed to wipe the snot on my nose though you were cursing and saying how disgusting I am. I would have laughed at your face if I weren't so close to vomiting.

Well, I did vomit. We made it to the bathroom but the contents of my stomach didn't make it to the bowl. I was so embarrassed and so tired and sick that I just started crying. I was sobbing so hard that you immediately took off your mask and gloves, sat beside me and my smelly vomit.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying??

"I feel so sick and I vomited on my OCD girlfriend. I'm so awful. Oh my God, you'll leave me. You'll break up with me." I was full-on breaking down, but you softly held face with disgusting vomit chunks with your bare hands and said,

"You silly silly little monkey, what would I do with you? No amount of vomit can make me break up with you no matter how disgusting it can be okay? I'll never leave you. Looking at you now, with snots and vomit chunks, you look like death honestly, but you know what?"

"What? Are you comforting me or making me cry harder, because you just basically insulted me."

"Well, it's the truth though. But that's not the point, the point is, whatever happens or however embarassing you look, this face will be the last face I will be thinking of tonight and the first face I'll be looking for in the morning." With the way you held my face and looked at me, I just couldn't help it. I had to say it.

"God, I'm so in love you." You smiled so big that seeing you like that made me forget all the pain that I felt that day.

You were about to reply when I stopped you, "Don't say it just to say it back. I'm not expecting a reply. I just had to say it. Say it when you feel it and preferrably not here in the bathroom with my face looking like this, okay?"

"Okay. Now. take a bath cause the longer we're here the bigger the chance I'll be vomiting too."

That night you stayed, you thought I was sleeping but I heard everything you said,

"You really have a shitty timing you know, declaring your love for me in a bathroom full of vomit. You really made sure that I'll remember your first 'iloveyou'. But you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. I wouldn't remember it from the smell of vomit but from the way you uttered those words or from the way you made me feel that moment. I didn't think I could be any happier but still you prove to me everyday that I could be. God Lisa, everyday I'm still amazed that I have you, that I could feel this much for someone. I never thought I could have this. But being the star that you are, you really had to come crushing down on my world and permanently leave a mark. I'm in love with you. With all of you. Sometimes I get scared that all of these aren't real. That one day you'll realize that I'm not the one you've been looking for. That I'm not worth it. I've never been scared of losing someone until I met you. So please stay okay?"


I remembered feeling so happy and so loved that moment. I promised myself, never will I ever leave you.

I should have made you promised it too...

Cause in the end, it was you who walked away...

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