Of Robert Frost and Chocolate Milk

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Chapter 5



"It's been awhile."

These are the first words you said to me after four years. Four years, and still your first words couldn't muffle the last words you uttered when you left me. My mind couldn't even forget the echoes of your steps while you walked away from me...


"I lied."

Those were your last words. It's not even "goodbye". You walked away, never looked back and left me with two words, "I lied."



You're different. That's the most understatement of the century.

You're different. You're special. You've always been special.

Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't your beauty that caught my attention. As unbelievable as that sounds, it's the truth.

Not to say I don't think you're beautiful, because God knows that if I could invent a new word for how beautiful you are to me, I'll do it in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even dare say that you are are the most beautiful person in the whole world, it wouldn't be fair cause I don't think any mortal could compare to you. But still, it wasn't your ethereal beauty that caught my attention.

"You don't get to choose both. As Robert Frost said,
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. So choose wisely, every decision you make carves the path that you take."

I was just sitting there, drinking my chocolate milk when I heard you say those words. I wasn't really paying attention to most of the chatters in our table but I knew you were arguing about what food to bring to wherever you're going. What you said actually caught my attention cause wow, just randomly quoting a poem during a mundane conversation is just crazy attractive. I glanced your way and you were serious, you didn't even look embarrassed even though the people you're talking to are looking at you like you've grown two heads. I even heard someone muttering "It's not that deep." But still you looked unapologetic. I may have stared at you for a couple of seconds while thinking "Gosh this girl is so pretty, but her mind is prettier."

It was the first time you caught my attention. So I subtly asked Chaeng your name, my exact words were "who's the walking poetry genius talking with Jennie."

I didn't stalk you though. I didn't ask anymore than a name to associate with your face. I didn't seek you out, but it didn't hurt to see you once in a while during lunch. Or passing each other down the hallway. I made sure to smile or wave whenever we saw each other, and I'm ecstatic whenever you waved or smiled back. But I didn't dare talk to you. I may have had a little crush on you but I never really dreamed of having you. You just seem so out of my league.

That night on the rooftop wasn't planned. It was actually a bad day for me, I got rejected from a dance program that I applied for. But you managed to turn my bad day to the best day that ever happened in my life.

I can still remember the nerves when you first talked to me. I was thinking, there you were looking ethereal, holding a book, while there I was looking like a dumb jock. I didn't really plan on asking you out, but you had to recite that Sonnet 116. The way you spoke the words made me feel so much. I thought 'Whoever will love this woman and be loved in return will be the luckiest human being in the universe.' I just couldn't help but to try.

Surprisingly, my ever so unlucky ass got lucky in the most appropriate time. You said yes. I got the chance to be the luckiest human being in the universe.

I told myself that night that I wouldn't waste that opportunity, that I would make sure that your 'okay' will be worth it. I told myself that I'd do my best to make this girl my future wife.

Yes, I already knew back then that you were the one I wanted.

I always wanted you to be the one.


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