Chapter 8 - Of Tears and Heartbreak

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Chapter 8



One thing I like about our relationship is that there wasn't too much drama. Most of our friends always tease us that we are both children in a young adults body. They didn't expect that we will be quite mature in handling our relationship.

You told me once that you didn't expect it to be that easy too since I was your first serious relationship. You even gave me credit and told me that I must be doing something right to make it easier for you. But I disagree, I told you it's easy because it's us. We just understand each other. You get me. I get you.

Our friends once asked us who's the jealous one. They even made a bet on it. I know, our friends can be jerks sometimes, but we love them just the same.

"No, it's me. I'm the jealous one." I said, "I always get jealous of Dalgom, she kisses him more than me."

They just laughed at me knowing that I was joking. Well, I was half joking, Dalgom really do get to kiss you more than I do.

They asked you if you don't get jealous of my dancing partners. You looked at me and said that you don't, cause you do trust me. I felt my heart expand.

Then they turned to me and asked me if I get jealous of all those people who's crushing on you.

I got eyes, I see the way other people's lingering look on you, they be looking at you as if they're witnessing a miracle every time.

I can relate.

Everyday you're my miracle.

But no, I don't get jealous because no matter how many eyes are on you, you're eyes have always been on me. I was about to say that but you beat me to it.

"Nah, she doesn't get jealous. There's no competition. It's only her I see." You said it so casually as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Everyone in the table including me was a little taken aback by your sweet declaration. Cause let's be real, you don't usually do sweet in front of our friends.

"What are you guys gawking about? Well, it's true, I don't plan on looking for another monkey anytime soon. I'll be keeping this one." Though you were back to your usual savage self and called me a monkey, I still felt the need to intertwine our fingers.

I intend to keep you too.


It's not to say that our relationship is perfect. It wasn't. We do have fights. It's inevitable. It's mostly about our own personal issues. You're inability to communicate when you have problems, you sometimes forget that you're in a relationship and tend to handle things on your own.

"Why do you keep pushing me away? If you have a problem you to talk to me instead of ghosting me for three days!"

"I'm used to dealing it on my own."

"I'm here now, you don't have to be alone anymore."

And my inability to stand up for myself.

"Why do you let them talk to you like that? Why do you just nod and smile? Tell them off, stand up for yourself."

"I'm used to it. It's fine. I'm fine."

"That's the thing, you're not supposed to get used to it. You shouldn't tolerate them talking down to you like that. Don't be a push over Lisa, you're better than that."

But the fights we had made us better people, made us better partners. We might get annoyed or irritated with each other but at the end of the day, we stay together. Because that's what two people who love each other do, if you have a problem, you fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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