An Old Friend

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Mayura's AOV

"Ahh~ it's such a wonderful day" i said as i strech my arms at the front gate.
"You said it" with rokuro
Agreeing while Adashino-san nodded. Oh i forgot to introduce myself, i am Otomi Mayura... but my name might change soon cuz my divorced Mother and Father are getting back together again. Seriously what was the point of DIVORCING when their just getting back together again! It's just a waste of time, and money! Although i'm happy that they are back to their senses. "Hey Mayura, look at that, there's a pile of GIRLS in the locker room".
Rokuro said making me return to my conscience.
"Eh?!" We approach the the locker room only to see a Fushia hair guy skwerming to get out of the surrounding girls questioning and trying to hug him. "Hey!" I said making the girls focus on me. "Oh president~ look at the boy we found isn't he handsome~!" The girls said squeeling and swooning.
"Hey! You are the female students of Narukami Junior High! The teachers didn't teach you guys to squeel and swoon in front of our fellow male students!" I said to them furiously. "S-sorry
p-president!" The girls said stuttering while they were forming two lines side by side. "Now... let us show respect to our fellow and elder stude-" "Otomi?!" The Fushia haired guy exclaimed saying my name!

Shimon's AOV

"Otomi?!" While the girl with the jacket and hoodie worn said to me. "What?!"
I noticed it was her since i saw her ocean blue eyes and faded lime hair when she was about to bow to me. "How come you know my name?" She asked. (Oh wait i forgot to introduce myself! I am Ikaruga Shimon. I am a 18 year old transferee here in Narukami junior High.) "Umm don't you remember me?" Umm the girl right in front of me just stand in silence... "Oh you're
Ikaruga Shimon right?!"
The girl in front of me exclaimed. The girls chatted for a while in their lines. the girls in the left whispered, "oh so president has a boyfriend." "Who knew right?" The ones on the right said... "i never knew that she would ever date such a handsome guy..." i was ticked off i could see it in Otomi-san too. Her face started to redden her eyes covered by her bangs her beautiful cheeks started to blush... wait, why am i saying this in my head? I hid my face with my bangs as i started to blush a little.
"S-sorry to trouble you if you, or WE don't have anything to say we might as well go back to our OWN business." The girl with blond and lime faded hair in front of me said bowing. "Oh s-sorry for bothering you too. And we should get going the bell might ring sooner or later."
I said while putting my hands on my pockets. "Bye Shimon~" the girls said while waving. Mayura looked back while glaring at the girls, they soon went out to the door. "Its been a while since i last saw them, mabey i could talk to them on lunch." I mumbled to myself.

~at the principals office~

Third persons view

"Ah welcome, please take a seat." The principal said with open arms. So shimon did as he told him to. "You're Ikaruga Shimon right?" The principal questioned. "Yes i am." Shimon answered with a calm tone. "Well good news, you passed in the exams and you're ready to build you're junior high life." "Excuse me. Principal, I'm here as requested." A girl wearing a jacket came strait to the door. "Oh. Otomi, come, come." The Principal said to the girl. "Mayura, this is Shimon, the guy i told you about. He will be in you're class since he missed out of school for exorcism." "O-otomi-san?" I started stuttering while saying her name. "Oh so you guys know each other?" The principal asked, me and otomi nodded in response. "Ok then, Mayura, i need you to take him on a tour of our school, would you help me with that President?" "Oh, sure!" The girl with blond faded lime hair agreed with the principal. "But... i have a request." The girl added. "Eh? What is it President?" The president questioned. "It is that i can bring Rokuro and Adashino-san with me." "Well of course you can bring the vice president and her secretary with you." She bowed in response. As Mayura and Shimon was about to go, the principal asked Mayura. "Hey,
Otomi-san... is he an old friend of yours?" The principal again asked Mayura. "Umm... well... yes, yes he is."

Hi guys! Im Konoha Utsusuya! i'm the author of this fan-fict story. I'm really not good at spelling and also my grammar is a bit low, i hope it doesn't disturb you guys while reading. And i'm also new at this. I hope you guys enjoyed!

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