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George Washington had finally decided to take at job as a teacher, however, it was with kindergarteners, he knew how much trouble it can bring, but he was willing to take it anyways.

"Hey Angi, do you think this dress would look fine?" Asked a little Eliza going up to her big sister by one minute ahead to come out, the Schyler sisters were very know.

They were little but known, Angelica had been the first one to come out, then it was Eliza, and finally it was Peggy, ofcouse they are also know the Jefferson's, a family that is as wealthy as them, but, The Schylers never meeted there little son know to be called 'Thomas'.

"It looks good, so go for it!" She said, "k thx! Cya down stairs!" Ran the little cinnomen roll making Angelica smile.

"Ok girls remember that if there's a problem with anyone-", "fight them back!" The three said, "dad you need to calm down it's only kinder." Said Peggy, "fine." Phillip rolled his eyes and waved goodbye.

"Oh hello lady's, your the last ones In..I think. " smiled Washington, "hello." Said the girls.

"Ok everyone take your sits, I would like each one of you to introduce yourself." Said Washington
, "Hi! I'm Hercules Mulligen!", " I am ...my names is too long just call me Laffayet.", "I'm James Madison.", "I'm Charles Lee."

"Maria..just Maria..", "Theodosia Barton.", "Aaron Burr.", "Alexander Hamilton.", "Elizabeth Schyler.", "Angelica Schyler.", "John Laurance." "Peggy Schyler.", "ok is that it-", "WAIT!" Yelled a boy making everyone look over, "sorry I'm late sir.. I'm James Reynolds and This with me is Thomas Jefferson." He said Angelica looked at this 'Thomas Jefferson' she the realised who the kid was.

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