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"Peggy wait-" was all Peggy heard from the distant shouting, she ran and didn't stop running until..

She fell on the floor, "Hey! Wach your step!" Said James R to Peggy, who's body was on the ground, "oh, I didn't know how clumsy you are! It wouldn't be as funny as your obvious crush on John L." He said.

Peggy started to cry 'cause she got cut. Would in the distance Thomas was talking to Madison and noticed Peggy on the floor crying and James R laughing with his new friends.

So he did what he knew was right, came up to her and helped Peggy up, would Madison told the story about what James R did to Mr.Washington.

"You ok Peggy?" Thomas asked, "yeah." She said, "I'm sorry for that jerk.. let's get you to Angelica-", "get you to Angelica what?!" Said a rather angry Angelica.

Can't blame her Peggy was all dirty standing up bending her knees with a little cut and Jefferson standing just fine next to her, before Angelica said some thing Peggy acted faster.

"Thomas protected me from James R!" She said, "oh! Let's get you to a nurse Pegs..we can talk on the way there." Said John and Peggy helplessly looked at her sister's for helped but only got a 'dont_wait_for_it_go_for_it_look' from Angelica and a 'dont_throw_away_your_shot' from Eliza look, and Peggy went with John.

Angelica was just thinking of what to say next for Thomas change of character, "thank you Thomas.." she said, "douse that mean you like me now? " he asked her, "don't push it Jefferson, and I won't want a Boyfriend before Middle school " she said and he smirked, "I'll wait, darlin."

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