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"Ok kids, now you can practise for fifteen minutes." Said Mr.Washington.

"No, Maria it's one, two, and three. " said Angelica, "oh! One, two, and three, Thx Angi!" Said Maria, "hey, Angelica you good at counting, right?" Said little Madison, "yes, why do you ask?" She said, "Thomas and Burr need help.", "ok."

"Ok kids, I saw two of you helping each other so I would like for you to raise you hands for the name I say of the person who helped you." Said Mr.Washington, "raise you hand if Angelica helped you." He said: Thomas, Maria, Eliza, Peggy, Laffayet, and Reynolds raised there hand, "ok raise you hand for the ones Hamilton helped." Said Mr.Washington, and the ones who raised them were:Hercules, Burr, Theodosia, and Laurance, "ok guys, class dismissed." Said Mr.Washington.

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