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Another day in the school, that's what everyone thinks, because when you never expect things to happen, things happen, weather it's good or bad.

"Peggy your up." Said Mr.Washington, Peggy nevoursly got up to the front, "my project is about the color yellow." This made Reynolds laugh at her, he got a long glare from Angelica.

"Yellow is one of the colors that shows happiness because of its bright colors." She said and finished her five minute speech.

The kids were let outside to the playground, for lunch.

"So do you guys think that John likes turtles a lot?" Peggy asked, "ya think!? He goes crazy about it!" Said Maria, making Peggy giggle, "I wanna give John a-" Peggy started but Alex and his group butted in, "give John what?" Said Alex.

"Nothing!" said Peggy, "hey Peggy!" Said John, "oh h-hi" Peggy blushed at the sight of her freckled crush, "uhh~ Peggy likes John!" Yelled Reynold, that made Peggy blushed when she saw John's face, "is-is that true?" He asked, "um..yes.." she said, "Peggy I-", "no John it's ok, I understand you don't like me!" She said then ran away, "Peggy no!" He yelled after her.

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