Chapter 6 ~ Death Is Forever

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Adrien's pov
Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth was the one who screamed.

Volpina ran up and stabbed him in the back (literally) before he could hit either me or Marinette with his staff.

He didn't deserve this. He may have a been a villain, but no one deserves to die. (He wasn't dead yet)

"I was getting tired of that guy," Volpina said, "His plans were getting no where."

I looked at her, disgusted, but then looked back down at Hawkmoth and placed Marinette on the floor.

Volpina walked away. I put my hand on Hawkmoth shoulder, "Mari, call the police," I handed her my phone and she nodded and slowly walked a short distance away.

"A-Adrien" he spat out.

He took off his miraculous.


One by one, tears started collecting in my eyes and spilling out.

He put his hand on my cheek, "If I don't make it, I want you to know, that I love you Adrien. I was only doing this because I wanted to bring your mother back. I'm sorry"

"It's ok father. P-Please, you-you can't die. I can't lose you t-too. I l-love you s-so much Father" I said as I cried waterfalls.

I then heard police sirens and an ambulance.

Marinettes pov
The ambulance arrived. Mr Agreste went to the emergency room, and I went to a regular hospital room and my injuries were bandaged. They weren't as bad as I thought, just very painful.

My parents came to see me, along with Alya and Nino and they all stayed there for a long time. When they finally left, a couple hours later, I was released.

The first thing I did was search for Adrien. It was pretty challenging since I had his phone so I couldn't call him, and he had my miraculous so I couldn't transform to look for him.

Finally, I found him sitting on a bench in the park. It was dark out, so no one else was there

"Adrien" I said.

He turned his head. I could tell that he'd been crying.

He stood up, rushed over to me, and gave me a bone crushing hug. He started sobbing into my shoulder.

I raked my hand through his hair, "Its ok," I said in a calm, soothing voice, "Everything is gonna be ok. What happened to your father?"

He gently pulled away. "H-He lost t-to much blood. They w-weren't able to s-save him" he said, sniffling and stuttering.

"Oh my god. Adrien, I am so, so sorry"

He pulled me into another tight hug as I rubbed his back. I felt horrible. In a way, this was all my fault.

"Do you wanna go to my house? We can relax and watch a movie. Whatever you need to feel better"

He nodded and we started walking back to the bakery. When we go there we quietly went up to my room and I turned the tv on as he sat down.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked.

"Anything will be fine"

I put on 'The Sound Of Music'.

"You can sleep in the bed, I'll sleep on the chaise" I told him.

"You don't have to-"

"I insist. I fell terrible, the least I can do is let you be comfortable. Fall asleep and enjoy the movie."

He smiled a little bit and went onto my bed and laid down. I turned the lights off and laid down as well.

"Goodnight Mari"

Adrien's pov
"Goodnight Adrien. Feel better soon"

The fact that she cared enough to do all of this made me happy.

I couldn't fall asleep. I was just relaxing, watching the movie, unlike Marinette who was on her side, fast asleep.

"So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, Adieu, to you and you and you" sang the movie.

"Plagg" I whispered.

He came out. "Hey kid. How ya holding up?"

"I've definitely been better. Way better."

"The good thing is, you still have people who care for you," he looked over at Marinette.

I smiled, "Yeah."

"Ooh, is that a smile I see? Now I know how to make you happy," he snickered.

I chuckled, "I really love her"

"And she loves you kid," he said, hugging my cheek.

I put my hand on his tiny back, "Thanks Plagg."

"Anytime. Now, try to actually get some sleep."

I nodded, "Goodnight"

"Goodnight" he replied.


I woke up to Marinette, but she wasn't awake. She was having a nightmare.

She was moving around non-stop (man the man is non-stop. Gentlemen of the jury I'm curious, bare with me, are you aware that were making history. This is the first- ok I'm sorry I got carried away with my love of Hamilton. Back to the story) and shivering. Her shirt was slightly pulled up and her bandages fell off and for the first time, I saw what Volpina had cut into her.

"Mari," I said gently, not wanting to scare her, "Mari, wake up."

She shot up, breathing heavily. She looked up and saw me and jumped up and gave me a tight hug.

I hugged her back and then gently pulled away and looked at her.

"I'm sorry" she said.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong Mari" I told her

"I'm making everything about myself when your dad just died"

"I should be the one saying sorry. My father may have died, but you went through a lot and being sad isn't an excuse to not be there for you. I love you Mari. I saw what was on your stomach and I hope you know that none of those words are true"

"I know that now. I love you too Adrien. When I was in there, thinking of you was one of the only things keeping me going. Well, Chat Noir, but still technically you"

I chuckled and leaned in. Our lips slowly touched.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" she told me.

"Same here Princess" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"So," I said, "What are we watching next?"

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