Part 9

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So, do you guys like it when I update shorter, but quicker, or when the chapter is longer, but it takes me more time to update?



Abbigail's POV:

It has been months. We are now drifting into winter. It's late November, and the snow outside my window looks pure white. The soft ground is now covered in a layer of frozen particles. The glass has fogged up--the shadows of the icicles outside my window being the only thing visible. School has already gone on break. Tomorrow is December the 1st, but we get out really early. We practically get a whole month off. It's nice, but the work ends up twice as hard once you get back.

I get up from my bed and wander aimlessly through the halls. When I reach the staircase, I can sense the pack downstairs. They had been at Caleb's house a lot lately. I had grown closer to Hunter and Daniel once again, even though they had no idea who I really was. I had also met the two additions to the pack; Jason and Kyle. They were nice. I had met them once or twice when they were only part of the tribe two years back.

I tried to stay away from person topics like family and home. I didn't mention friends or past memories. Most of the time no one would ask, but I could tell that they were getting skeptical. I hadn't cried since the kitchen scene with Daniel a couple months ago. I'm not really the type to cry...

I walk down the stairs immersed in my thoughts until I run straight into someone.

"Shit," I say as I hold my nose. "Watch where you're going!"

I look up to see a very apologetic Hunter. He goes to comfort me, but he stops mid-way. He frowns and moves a piece of my hair from off my shoulder. I continue to hold my nose. Thank god it wasn't bleeding. He's studying something on the back of my neck.

I was wearing a tank top today--something I hadn't worn in a long time, but it was still slightly warm in the house despite the constant snow fall. Hunter looks back into my eyes, and he seems to be deep in thought.

"Hello?" I ask sarcastically. "I need to get somewhere..."

He snaps out of it and moves out of the way. As I walk down the hall to the kitchen, I could almost swear I heard him say, "Sorry Abbigail..."


Chase's POV:

Abbigail had been back to her usual self lately. Although she still didn't talk to Matt. I wouldn't either if I were in her situation. Bastard had her spot--her birthright. I'm sure she'd get it back eventually, but I was starting to wonder if she was even trying. It had been almost three months of just sitting around, running around in the woods when the rest of the pack was out, and hunting here and there. She had shown little or no interest in talking to our father.

Speaking of the devil, he had been fairly quiet. He spoke at council meetings and tribe meetings, but other than that I didn't really see him. Abbs hadn't talked about the night when she had gone to reveal herself to our father, so I figured she had decided not to.

Caleb was still pulling off that they were together. It made my blood boil. That first night when he had put her in his room and then gone up there with her...I ended up having to leave the house. I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

As beta, I was always at Matt's side. Whenever we went out as a pack, I flanked him--even though the position should have been mine.... No, wait. I take that back. It is Abbigail's.

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