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Mom: Yn get the rooms ready for them

Yn: I'm too tired thooooo

Mom: Well too bad, you wanted them here so you're gonna take care of them

Yn: Ohhhhhhhh

Mom: Get up now you lazy ass

Yn: Fine but I think Yoongi's gonna need a room to himself

Mom: I know. He's my special patient remember

Yn: Right cos he has "Special Needs"

Mom: Yn I know you like him but you're gonna have to keep your distance

Yn: I have a boyfriend remember

Mom: You're still dating him?

Yn: Yes mom I told you this a million times

Mom: Well I don't like him

Jooheon: Me too he's just using you for your popularity

Yn: Funny you say that cos Jace said the same thing to me this morning

Jooheon: Well great minds think alike 

Yn: Great minds? If you had a great mind like you say you do then why didn't you graduate with your boys last year? Why did you repeat a year?

Jooheon: Why you little brat! Come here! *Chasing you*

Mom: Stop running around inside before you brake something!

You guys listen and run outside. Jooheon tackled you to the ground and started tickling you all over


Jooheon: Take back what you said right now!

Yn: No~ AHAHAHAHA Okay okay I take it back!

Jooheon stopped and sat up while I laid there catching my breath

Jooheon: That's what I thought

Yn: Yeah, yeah

Jooheon: Hey, Yn

Yn: Hmm

Jooheon: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you when dad was you know

Yn: Jooheon its not your fault you were young... We both were

Jooheon: Still

Yn: Let's not talk about him okay?

Jooheon: Yn...

Yn: Just stop okay! Everyone keeps asking if I'm okay about what happened. Does it look like I'm okay? I have nightmares every night and when I wake up I feel like the living soul inside of me has let itself out. Everyday I have to put on an act for my friends just because I don't want them to worry to much about me!

You start to cry out loud and Jooheon pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back as he whispered into your ears

Jooheon: I'm sorry okay I'm so sorry

He started crying with you after seeing the state you were in

Moms POV

My heart sinks every time I see her cry and I remember everything she's been through like it was just yesterday


He came back drunk that night again

Dad: Where's Yn

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