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??? POV

???: Shit, Junhoe

You tried to wake him up but he didn't respond

???: Yoo Bobby! We need to get Junhoe out of here ASAP!

Bobby: Jinhwan!

Jinhwan: Yo!?

Bobby: Help BI take Junhoe back while me and the boys track Yn down

Jinhwan: Make sure Yoongi doesn't get away

Junhoe: No *Whispers*

Jinhwan looked over at Junhoe and sighed

Jinhwan: He's still alive the fucker.... Why shouldn't we go after him?

Junhoe: Yn need him by her side~

He passes out again

Jinhwan: Shit get him to our private hospital

Bobby: Yo!

Jace's POV

I can't believe it my own brother shot Junhoe... How am I gonna tell everyone this let alone Yoongi who's out to get him

Leilani: Are you okay Jace? You look pale...

Jace: I-Im fine

How could you do this to me Sehun... fuck this is all your fault imma kill you myself!

Leilani POV

Jace looked very suspicious and a word I'd never use for her cos she never is "scared". I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at Yn who looked as if she saw a ghost while Tusi was trying to calm her down

Jungkook: Is she gonna be alright?

Leilani: I'm pretty sure she will be

Jungkook: I feel sorry for her

Leilani: Why? *Jealous*

Jungkook: She's like a mom/big sister  to me you know... She took care of me when I was sick actually she looked after all of us then you guys came in and helped her, making her job a tad easier

Leilani: Hey *Holds his hands* She's gonna be fine she's been through worse

And then a flashback suddenly hit me


I was with Tusi jamming in the music room waiting for Jace who was probably playing around with one of her fanboys when I got a phone call

Leilani: Yn what do you want?

Yn: Lani I need your help please *Crying*

Leilani: Yn what's wrong where are you

Yn: *Whispering* I'm hiding in the janitors closet *Sobbing* He's looking for me

Leilani: Who?

Yn: Adam

Leilani: Your dad? Why are you hiding from him idiot he's probably here to pick you up

Yn: You don't get it

???: There you are

Yn: Get away from me

Leilani: Yn!

Tusi: Did you hear that?

Leilani: What?

Screaming came from the hallway and you and Tusi ran into the hallway to see Yn getting beat up with a metal pole by her so called father

Tusi: Omg stop

She ran towards Yn to help her but Yn's dad hit her as well and she fell beside Yn. The teachers came rushing in to see Yn passed out bleeding and Tusi holding her head where Yn's dad hit her

Teacher: Get Yn and Tusi to the hospital and you Lani go with them

I walked pass Yn's dad who was glaring at me with a smirk on his face

Yn's Dad: Well who are you fine piece of meat

Teacher: We're gonna report you to the police for child abuse and sexual harassment

//Flashback ends//


Tusi: Yn its gonna be okay

Yoongi: I think she should rest

Tusi: Right...

Yn: Tus can you sing for me

Leilani: Oh no, guys cover your ears

Tusi: Hey that's not nice

You watched them arguing... You purposely asked her to sing for you cos you knew it would start an argument and when ever they argued it made you relax and forget everything

Yoongi: Go to sleep Yn...

Yn: Yoongi, promise you won't leave me? *Clutches on to his hands*

Yoongi: I promise

Taehyung: I think Tusi's got a great voice...

Jace: Well I think your tone deaf

Tusi: Hey don't say that to my Tae bear!

Jace: You two wanna walk home?

Taehyung/Tusi: No...

Jace: Then shut up!

Jungkook/Leilani: AHAHAHAHA

You smile and lean into Yoongi's arm, eyes feeling heavier by the second

Bang! bang! bang!

Life just keeps getting better and better

Jace: Shit they're after us again

Leilani: Step on it!

Jace: These bitches wanna fight, then its a fight they're gonna get

Leilani: Just drive and don't get us killed

Jace: Boys there's guns in those club boxes grab one and shoot back for support while I drive

Jungkook: I call dibs on the shotgun!

Tusi: Why the hell are there guns in here Jace!?

Bang! bang! bang!

Jace: Girls hold on!

Leilani/Tusi: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

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