Three shot~

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You wake up in a dark and cold hospital looking place. You move around and try to get free but the rope around you were too tight

Yn: Let me go!!!!!

Nobody responded so you just sat there, then you remembered what your mom taught you... You leaned forward on the chair to be able to stand up and then threw all you weight back and the chair broke. You then slithered out of the rope in ease

Yn: Hard core training does come out handy... Thanks mom~

You were about to walk towards the door when it opened. You quickly jumped behind the drawer and hid

???: Shit where did she go?

The voice was familiar

???: Oh her mother probably taught her self defence and all that shit

What the fuck who is this? Is what you thought

???: Oh my daughter I know your in here... Come out Yn

Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach and your throat went dry as his voice filled the dark room. 

Dong-Hae: Come out yn don't you miss your dad?

His footsteps became louder as he walked around the corner, you held your breath in and crouched down a little more not wanting to be found.

Dong-Hae: Yn~

???: Boss Kwon Ji-Yong's men are surrounding the building

Dong-Hae: Shit!

You relaxed when you heard him say your uncle was here.

Dong-Hae: Go order the men to put the building on lock down

He finally left the room and you stood up letting out a shaky breath. You couldn't believe he was out of prison already. You shook off the chills and looked around the room looking for something to help get you out of the room

???: Owww

Someone grabbed onto your leg and you kicked them in the face

Yn: Who the hell are you

???: A prisoner of your so called dad

Yn: Oh sorry

???: That's okay

Yn: What's your name?

???: My names Siwon and your dads ex best friend

Yn: Why ex?

Siwon: Cos I got your mother pregnant

Yn: What!?

Siwon: Yeah... Well me and your mother were in love but Dong-Hae also loved your mother but she didn't like him which made him despise the both of us

Yn: So one of us is your child... I mean me and Jooheon might have different dads

Siwon: Actually no... Your mother never had a child with Dong-Hae he just threatened her to marry him~

Yn: S-so your my dad?

Siwon: Yeah~

You run into his arms

Yn: Where were you all this time!! Do you know how much I've suffered!!! You let that man rape me!

You started crying and he pushed you away a little holding on to you shoulders

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