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Jace started speeding and you were starting to get annoyed by Tusi and Leilani was screaming as if they were gonna die or something...

Yn: Shut up!

Leilani takes a huge breathe in and then starts screaming again

Yn: Fuck!

You get up and grab a gun and point it in her face

Yn: I told you to shut up

They immediately stop

Tusi: Are you c-crazy?!

You realised what you had done and you drop the gun before sinking back into your seat 

Leilani: Yn are you okay?

Yn: I-I think I'm having a mental break down... It's probably cos I didn't take my medication today

Tusi: You're sick>

Jace: Not the time to talk guys we're being chased by dumb asses!

Yn: I'll help with that...

You look in the glove box trying to look for the pistol and you find it

Yn: Leshgooo

Leilani and Tusi looked at you in shock... You skilfully climbed out of the window and sat on the roof of the car and started shooting when the cars suddenly slowed down and stopped

Jace: Yn what happening!?

Yn: They turned around and left

Jace stopped the car and everyone climbed out of the car

Jace: Okay guys find everything you need from this car and take it out right now

Yoongi: We need the guns too for safety

Taehyung: Tusi's the only valuable thing I need from this car

Jungkook: Your teddy bear?

Taehyung: Oh yeah and that

Leilani: Where are we going?

Yoongi: I have a safe house somewhere in the forest at the bottom of this mountain

Jin: Um how are we gonna get there cos you see Jace has a low stamina

Jace: I'll show you stamina! *Chases him*

Jimin/Jhope: We wanna play too *Running after them down the hill*

Tusi: Well getting down will be easy

Taehyung : Wanna go down another way

Tusi: How?

Taehyung: On my back

Tusi: Okay

They made their way down the hill

Leilani: Yn you have to talk to us about what happened before

Yn: Sure

Leilani: Jungkook-ah carry me down

Jungkook: Okay *Turns to Yoongi and Yn* Help me *He mouths*

Leilani jumps on his back and you and Yoongi try not to laugh as they struggle their way down the hill

Yoongi: So why haven't you told anybody about your mental illness

Yn: I did

Yoongi: Oh yeah and who's that lucky person

Yn: J-Junhoe

Yoongi stopped in his track for a few seconds and watched as Yn lazily grabbed the bag of guns from the trunck

Yoongi: Why didn't you tell me?

Yn: Cos! I just wanted to be normal, all I ever wanted was for everyone to stop making me feel like a charity case

Yoongi: You know I'm here for you right? We all are and you just need to be willing to open up with us

Yn: Its complicated...

Yoongi: You think life wasn't complicated for me living in that hell hole and watching my mother die at the age of 13

Yn: Yoongi you don't know what I've been through...

Yoongi: Then tell me! Fuck man, all I'm trying to do is be there for you to comfort you and you won't even let me in to help you! Can't fucking trust me!

Yn: What! So you want me to tell you how I was raped and abused by my own father at the age 12 and that I was bullied in middle school until I couldn't take it no more? Or that I almost killed myself when I was 13 cos I felt disgusted with myself? Or the fact that I wasn't strong enough to fight my father off when he did all those disgusting things to me? Or the fact that things only got a tad bit better when the girls showed up to protect and help me after my dad was put away?

You break down in tears and you feel a bunch of people jumping on you

Jace: Ngawww we didn't know Yn we're so sorry

Leilani: Ynnnnnn, whyyy

Tusi: That dirty ass bitch needs to rot in his cell

Jungkook: Eomma!

Yn: Y'all fucking suffocating me! Get offff me

Yn: I thought you guys were already far down the hill

The let you go and you look over at Yoongi stood in the corner staring at you with tears flowing down his face

Yn: Yoongi-ah I'm sorry I yelled at you... I didn't consider the fact that you went through a lot more then I did

Yoongi: Come here...

He pulls you into a hug

Jace: Guys let's get out of here

Leilani: Right they will be back anytime soon

Vroom Vroom

Tusi: Shit their back

Bang! bang! bang!

Jace: Can't we just be left in peace for once!?

???: Yoongi and Yn if you guys come with us we won't harm your friends...

Jooheon: No!!! Your not taking my sister you fucker!

???: Watch me~

And with that two motorbikes drove past the you and the guys, swiftly grabbing you and Yoongi before disappearing

Jace: Shit who cares...

Jin/RM: Wow!

Jace: I was just kidding but can we go to sleep first

Everyone except Yn and Yoongi: NOOO!

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