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Jace's POV

I secretly put a tracker on Yn when she and Yoongi were hugging

Jace: Okay guys we need to get Yn and Yoongi back

Leilani: Okay... and how do you suppose we do that? We don't even know where they are

Jace: *Shows phone* Well I do I have a tracker on her...

Jin: Oooo you're brainy

Jace: I know, so I need someone to come with me while the rest of you head to the safe house

Leilani: I'll come!

Tusi: Me too!

Jace: Oh hell no! You guys are gonna scream when you hear a gunshot and thats the last thing I need, so no!

Jooheon: I'll come

Jace: Okay and I need Taehyung and Jungkook

Jimin: Me too

Jace: No sorry your gonna get us killed with your stupid ass too

Leilani: So you decide to chose our significant other and not us how sad...

Jace: Your useless that's why

Tusi: Take care of them then

Jace: No thanks I aint a bodyguard sis... Grab your guns boys...

I walk towards the drivers seat and the boys hop into the car as well

Jace: Okay they're not far from here

Taehyung/Jungkook/Jooheon: Lesshhhgooo


You hold onto Yoongi's hands tightly

Yn: Why are you doing this?

Bobby: Yn I have too

Yn: I thought you were my friend

Bobby: I am

Yn: Not anymore

Yoongi: Who do you work for!?

Just as he asked we pulled up at a abandoned building in the middle of a forest... He dragged us off the bikes before throwing Yoongi on the ground and ushering me softly to sit down

Bobby: He'll be here tomorrow morning so sleep tight... Yn get some rest

Yn: I hate you!

Bobby left us there on the cold floor... You crawl over to Yoongi cos you had no strength in your legs to walk anymore and lay down next to him while he pulls you closer into his warm embrace

Yoongi: I'm sorry I yelled before...

Yn: I don't care anymore

Yoongi: I think I know who's behind this

Yn: Who

Yoongi: Well Junhoe told me something before he died

Yn: And what was that

Yoongi: He told me to protect you cos someone's coming after you and he also told me something else

Yn: Hmmm

Yoongi: He said he loved you but his father was working with yours so he had to end things with you

Yn: What! My dad!

Yoongi: Hey calm down

You were shaking with fear of your father being out again and coming after you... Your tears were streaming down and Yoongi kissed your forehead and rubbed your back for comfort

Yoongi: Don't worry I won't let him get you okay I'm here for you from now till forever

Jace's POV

I parked up the car quietly behind a pile of cargo containers before shutting it off

Jace: We don't know if there's guards or not so let's make a plan

Jungkook: Okay so Jooheon and Jace goes to the back door and Me and Taehyung will take the front

Jace: Okay sounds plain but its a plan

Jooheon: My sister gets scared easily so be careful okay

Jace: Yeah, yeah, yeah

Me and Jooheon sneak through the side of the buildings but I stop when I here voices... Familiar ones to be exact

???: I think we should let her go

???: He'll kill us

I looked over the bin to see BI and Bobby talking

Jace: These assholes! *WhIsPeRs*

Bobby: Did you hear that?

I clicked my neck and walked out into the open

Jace: Yeah that was me!

BI: Jace put that gun down!

Jace: Fucking ass cracks how can you betray us like that!

Bobby: We're under orders if we don't do it we die...

Jace: Then come with us!

Jooheon: Y'all better let my sister out

BI: Fuck! Do you guys have security for us then huh?!

Jace: Yeah me...

BI: You don't know what that mans capable of!

Jace: Who?

Bobby: Yn's dad

Jooheon: What!!

Bang! bang! bang!

Jungkook: Guys we got the guys in the front

Bobby: You mean you killed the rest of the guys

Taehyung: Yeah

BI: Shit you killed our friends!

Jace: Serves you right for kidnapping Yn...

BI: You guys have to take us with you


You were trying to sleep when you jerked upwards at the sound of gun shots

Yoongi: What the hell!

Jace and Bobby came running in

Bobby: Let's go right now

Yn: What?

Jace: He agreed to let you go if we give them protection

Yn: Okay...

Authors POV (Safe House)

Tusi and Lani were at the safe house having a hard time looking after the others

Tusi: Jhope! Get out of there!

Jhope was squashed inside one of the cabinets in the kitchen

Leilani: Yuh Jimin get off there!

Jimin was hanging from the fan in the living room

Jimin: Its so fun up here!

Tusi: I'm gonna count to 5 if you don't listen to me I'm gonna beat your ass... Omg RM what did you do with that!

RM: I accidentally broke his clock *He held it up to Tusi*

Leilani: Omg Jin don't touch that!

The two of them were stressing out... Looking after 5 grown men was like babysitting 20 kids to them

Leilani: That's it if you don't get in the living room in 2 minutes all of you will be feed to my pet tiger you hear me!

They all scrambled into the living room in less than 30 seconds

Tusi: These mother fuckers are a pain in the ass!

???: What did you say just now?

Leilani: Finally!

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