Chapter 8

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               Words were being carved into the thin and yellowish paper of her journal when sister Catherine had approached her with a careful frown. Sitting against a marble column, Taylor looked up at the nun, noticing her shy stare dart from the blonde's face to the green grass of the courtyard. It was a beautiful sunny day, the air warm enough to convince Taylor to sit outside and continue writing her still nameless song. She has made progress in the past few days, and a blush had formed on her cheeks when she had admitted that it was because of the brunette. Karlie inspired her, in more ways than one, but she couldn't let her friend know. Not when the fact that Karlie being the muse for one of her songs confused Taylor to no end.

"Hello, sister Catherine," the blonde greeted her. She liked to call the kind woman one of her friends, because her relationship with the nun was different from the others. Sister Catherine listened to her, spoke to her even when not necessary, spent time with her when noticing that she's alone. Taylor liked the petite and young nun, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight of sister Catherine sitting down across her. The woman's dainty hands came to rest on her own lap as she anxiously gazed at the pupil.

"Taylor, how are you?" she asked gently.

The blonde grinned. "I'm fine. It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?"

"Yes. Yes, it is," sister Catherine agreed. "What are you doing?"

Taylor shyly looked down at the ink staining the pages of her journal with thoughts that have never escaped from the abyss of her mind. She blushed, quietly replying, "Oh, um, I'm just scribbling on my journal. Nothing special,"

She stared at the words that had slightly scared her when they had appeared for the first time at the forefront of her brain; don't blame me, love made me crazy. She wasn't sure where the word love had come from, but somehow, when she had written it the previous night, after her meeting with Karlie, that statement alone resembled all the feelings that she has been repressing for all this time.

Sister Catherine nodded, and then, after looking around and checking that nobody was near, she leant in and whispered, "Taylor, I need you to tell me where you were last night,"

This scared the pupil. Taylor's frantic blue eyes shot upwards, meeting the other woman's doubtful ones. She tried to recover from her obvious panic, quickly averting her eyes and muttering, "I was in my room. Sleeping."

But the nun didn't look convinced. Skepticism was still clouding her chestnut eyes when she said, "Are you sure?"

Taylor was left speechless. She bit the inside of her cheek until she tasted blood, and shook her head in an affirmative manner. "I'm sure, sister Catherine,"

The nun sighed, the disappointment that was hiding behind the doubts now coming out from her irises. "Taylor, you are perfectly aware that lying is a sin. God doesn't like liars. He wants you to be honest," she affirmed, and when receiving no answer from Taylor's end, she added, "Where were you last night? What were you doing outside of your room when you should have been sleeping?"

Taylor quickly made up a lie. Just because she was caught breaking a rule didn't mean she had to drag Karlie in this. "I woke up from a terrible dream and desperately needed some fresh air. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

Although the nun still didn't believe her, sister Catherine nodded understandingly. "I suggest you pray the next time it happens. With God's help you'll be able to scare off the demons that are haunting your sleep."

Taylor almost rolled her eyes at that, but nodded nevertheless and watched as the nun stood up. "Sister Catherine?" The young woman turned around and waited for Taylor to keep on going. The blonde hesitantly asked, "Will you tell this to the prioress?"

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