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This is the epilogue, guys. I hope you enjoy this, and please read the notes at the end.



It was the end of August when Taylor's Father came to the boarding school.

Karlie was still miserable, a bright smile never gracing her face again after the nuns had sent Taylor away. She was sitting outside against a tree, when suddenly a tall, old man approached her with a tentative step.

"Excuse me?"

Karlie looked up, confused to see a visitor wondering around the school with no supervisor by his side. He shouldn't be here, she thought, unaware of the man's identity. "Yes, sir?"

"I'm—looking for a girl," he said quietly, timidly. The brunette stood up, giving the man her complete attention.

"What's her name?" she asked.

"Her name—she's my daughter, Taylor. Last time I visited she was here," he replied, but Karlie's brain stopped functioning as soon as that cursed name slipped out of his chapped and thin lips. Her own mouth parted, her trembling fingers forming tight fists by her waist. She felt her heart beating rapidly against her ribcage, the rays of the sun suddenly too bright for her sensitive green eyes. The tall girl looked around, panicked, not knowing what to do. What could she say to him? She certainly couldn't tell him that his daughter was sent in another boarding school because in this one she had had a sinful relationship with the very same girl standing before him.


Before she could say anything, however, sister Agnes spoke up from behind him. Karlie saw the glare sent her way, and immediately closed her mouth. The prioress had been oppressive in the last five months, supervising her every movement.

"Mister Swift?"

The man turned towards the voice. "Oh, sister Agnes. It's so good to see you. I'm looking for my daughter, where is she?"

The old nun shuffled towards them, and Karlie shyly lowered her head, her teeth sinking in the rosy skin of her quivering bottom lip. "Karlie?" the brunette perked up at the sound of her own name. The nun's visage was distant, the gaze within her eyes cold and uninviting. Karlie swallowed. "Don't you have something better to do?" the voice was filled with venom, and it was meant to hurt her. A lump formed at the base of her throat, as she breathed in deeply and exhaled shakily. The man glanced at her briefly, but did a double take when seeing the conflict within her eyes.

Karlie licked her bottom lip, nodding in defeat as she retreated to the safety of her own room.


She had nightmares for weeks after meeting Taylor's Father, his absence bringing back old wounds around her heart. Karlie often woke up with sweat lining her forehead and a heart racing in her chest, however, this time, when her eyes shot open, it wasn't because her mind had kept reminding her that Taylor was gone, but rather a loud screech echoing throughout the walls of the boarding school.

The brunette quickly got up, pulled her kirtle on, and went outside her bedroom. The first thing she noticed was the grey sky covered with dark stormy clouds. Then, her vision finally caught on what was happening around her; madness couldn't properly describe what she was seeing.

Hundreds of students were running back and forth the hallways, fear staining their cheeks and panic illuminating their irises. When Karlie took a step forward, tentatively, she was suddenly submerged in the crowd of alarmed girls, some of them stumbling upon her and almost making her fall to the ground. The brunette fought against the amount of people, walking in the opposite direction as them. The hallways were dark, the lit torches extinguished and lying on the ground. Karlie spotted a few nuns, doing nothing to calm down their students as they too run with them. The brunette wanted so desperately to understand what was going on, and she was almost about to grab someone and ask them, but then realized that it was probably a bad idea. Therefore, with confusion and fright etched in her visage, she walked with the crowd, following them until they were all outside. It was there that she understood, with the sight of dead corpses lying on the streets and tall, lanky men wearing white masks with a protuberance that resembled a bird beak.

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