Chapter 9

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two updates in a week? yes, that's right! my favorite part of the story is coming, so buckle up guys! enjoy this chapter, because the next one is gonna be lit!      

               Sister Catherine was the one who reminded her of her birthday. The days started to shorten, the nights became longer and darker, and autumn disappeared behind winter. It was the end of the second week of December, and Taylor was working on her song, laying on her bed with her back against the wooden headboard, when someone quietly knocked at the door of her room. The blonde quickly hid her journal underneath the ivory sheets, looking up just as the visitor revealed themselves. She greeted the nun with a warm grin. "Hello, sister Catherine,"

"Hi, Taylor," the woman said. "What are you doing here all alone the day of your birthday?"

Taylor's eyes widened at the statement. The last couple of weeks she's found herself losing the track of time, often finding herself thinking about Karlie and their late night meetings at the storage room. Their friendship had become an important part in both of the girls' lives, but still, Taylor felt like there was something more underneath the thick layers of their relationship. All the touches they've exchanged, the prolonged stares, the words they've said to each other. The blonde felt vulnerable in the best way possible when in Karlie's company, and she felt like she could truly be herself with her, something that she's realized she hasn't done with anyone else.

"I'm just focusing on my song, that's all," she replied.

"When will I hear that song of yours?" sister Catherine teased her.

Taylor chuckled nervously and shrugged shyly. "I don't know, I have to finish it first."

In reality, she didn't want to let the nun hear about her deepest secrets. Within the journal that's hiding beneath her left thigh, there are words that she's never said to anyone, not even Karlie. There's a confession that she shouldn't be making in the first place, and she believed that if she didn't say it out loud, then nobody, not even God, will know about her sinful mind.

"Would you like to come with me?" sister Catherine asked with a gentle and loving smile.

Taylor hesitated. She didn't feel like going out at all. Her birthday reminded her of all the unforgettable moments she's spent with her mother, but now that she was gone, now that she couldn't see her anymore, she didn't want to celebrate it. She hasn't celebrated it in years. "I don't know," she mumbled.

"Come on, darling," the nun prodded. "Sister Agnes wants to wish you a happy birthday and there's even a girl who wants to celebrate it with you,"

That attracted her attention. "A girl?"

"Yes," sister Catherine smiled. "She says she's your friend,"

Taylor blushed. Karlie knows about my birthday. That's just great. "I—I, um, alright," she stuttered, smiling nervously before getting up, straightening the silky fabric of her grey uniform. The air outside was cold compared to the warm atmosphere inside Taylor's room, and she immediately shivered, hugging her chest with both of her arms as she followed sister Catherine through the long corridors. They reached a separate room where pupils would reunite to talk in groups. It was spacious and incredibly cozy, and there, in the middle of the chamber, stood Karlie, three other girls she didn't know personally, and the prioress, sister Agnes.

"Happy birthday!" they all exclaimed together. Taylor immediately blushed, feeling the heat in her body increase as she noticed Karlie's intense gaze on her body. She saw her green eyes observe her outfit as if she were a piece of art, and when their eyes met, she couldn't help but smile genuinely.

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