Marinette has had a crush on adrien agreste for a year now so she decides to tell him... Little does she know that he would eventually fall for her as a mischievous black cat visits her🖤
Marinette woke up in her fluffy pink bed only to see the time in her alarm clock "8:45 TIKKI I'M LATE"
"you act like it's never happened before" the little red kwami exclaimed
Marinette didn't respond to tikki's sarcastic response but instead rolled her eyes and frantically ran around her room packing her bag and getting dressed. "ugh!!!"
"what's wrong mari?"
"I didn't have time to do my homework last night due to patrol now I'm going to get a detention!" marinette said trying to think of excuses for the non existant work.
"marinette don't worry about it I'm sure you will think of an excuse"
"yeah I guess you're right tikki.."
Tikki looked at the clock it was now 9:00
Marinette thought to herself *oh shit*
The bluebell eyed bluenette ran out the door faster then Usain bolt trying to get to school before shes too late.
She wore this
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Marinette got to school as soon as the late bell rang *well no turning back now... God save me*