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[adriens POV]
I woke up relatively early today and went down stairs to get some camembert for plagg, my kwami
I've always hated that stinky cheese it makes chat noir seem cheesy and that won't help me win over ladybugs heart but sadly that's all he eats.

I let out a dramatic sigh

"adrien will you shut the fuck up already stop talking to yourself and go get me my cheese"

"well good morning to you to plagg I had a wonderful sleep thank you" I said sarcastically

Plagg got up and used the last of his energy to flip over the bed and said

"I. Hate. You. I. Need. Food"

Adrien took a peice of camembert from his pocket and threw it a plaggs face

"muahahahaha there's your cheese"

"piss off" Plagg said while flipping adrien off with his imaginary middle finger

Adrien got ready and went outside to step into his limo to go to school

(A/N sorry that it's a really short chapter but I have uploaded three chapters today I will upload more tommorow)

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