So... This is Pain

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Contains marinette in a depressive states skip until you see a ✨if you feel uncomfortable
[Marinettes POV]

I ran out that classroom as fast as I could.. I didn't know where I was running to but I did know what I was running from. My problems. As soon as I was in a good hiding spot I transformed into ladybug

"tikki spots on" I said in a faint whisper

I then turned my back to school and leaped away to the safety of my house

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I then turned my back to school and leaped away to the safety of my house. My parents were gone for a holiday for a few months so I had the bakery all to myself. For some that would be a blessing but with me in this state of mind.... Its torture.

I jumped onto my balcony and ran then belly flopped onto my bed. The bed I once called heaven where I would sleep away my problems now became hell as I am focused on them.

I once heard that to get rid of pain you should take your mind off of it so I decided to stop my mental pain I had to have physical pain.

I ran to my kitchen and got a knife then went to my bathroom and stared down at my pale skin and thought

It's not worth it... Yet

I dropped the knife then went to bed
A couple minutes later I heard something at the window.

Tap tap

I looked out to my balcony to see my partner chat noir, I was going to leave him outside as I wanted to be left alone but then thought that he was always there for her as ladybug... How would it be different as marinette???

"hi chat" I said trying to put on a fake smile.

"hey purrrrincess" he said while giving me a little wink

Yep that's definitely chat

"what are you doing here?"

"well I was just patrolling around the neighbourhood and feline a little lonely so I decided to come visit my purrincess"

"really chat, cat puns?" I said sarcastically

"anyway purrincess how was your day?"

"oh-um just a regular day you know...?" I can't lie for shit

Chat sat down then spoke softly

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Chat sat down then spoke softly

"cmon Princess you can't lie to me"

"fine! It's just that someone in my class has been making my life a living hell ever since I became friends with her supposed 'boyfriend' but I know that's not true an--"

"chill out purrincess take a breath"

"okay sorry" I say embarrassed

"so who is the girl who's causing all these problems?" chat questioned. He wanted to know who in their right mind would ever dream of hurting marinette.

"chloe bourgeois" I scoffed

Chat clenched his fists in rage then slowly calmed down after all it wasn't any of his business.

Beep beep

"Well I got to go purrincess but I will visit you again soon" he said and got his baton then hopped away into the night.

"goodbye chat" I said faintly.

[A/N so I said this chapter was gonna be 1000 words but when I wrote that amount it seemed too long so today I publish this half then tomorrow the second half. Well that's it from me. Bye!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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