Marinette has had a crush on adrien agreste for a year now so she decides to tell him... Little does she know that he would eventually fall for her as a mischievous black cat visits her🖤
[adriens POV] I stepped out of my limo as soon as I arrived at school. Yes, I live a great life but in my head.. School is a chance to escape.
"adrien!" I heard a loud shout come across from the other side of the hallway. I already knew who it was.
"hey nino" I said back and we both fistbumped
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(ignore marinette and alya)
"have you seen marinette today?" I asked nino curious to know if the bluenette was going to be late again she has been late four days this week.... AND TODAY IS THURSDAY!!!
"no sorry dude" then an awkward silence filled the air. "wait.... Do you like marinette!?"
I thought for a moment then said.
"n-no... She's just a friend" Nino rolled his eyes at me I wonder why.
"Anyway we should get to class now just because maris late doesn't mean we should be"nino exclaimed and started walking away. I quickly ran after him.
As we walked into class I heard a familiar screech and didn't even have to look to know who is was
Chloe bourgeois
"OH ADRIKINSSSSSS" The platinum blond fake ass barbie screamed as she ran towards me and hugged me. This girl is literally a leech I though to myself.
"class settle down" ms bustier exclaimed as she walked in the door.
We all took our seats and class went as normal until marinette walked in...
"marinette you're late... again" miss bustier said and let out a sigh
"sorry miss it won't happen again"
I smiled at myself knowing that's she wasn't fooling anyone. I looked up to wave to marinette and saw her wearing something different.... A good different.
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*-_-* I was speechless I have never seen her wear anything like this before... She didn't even have her usual pigtails in her hair.
I was lost in thought but soon snapped out of it as soon as I heard the noise...
*bang* I looked down to see marinette hit her face on the hard wooden floor.
"marinette are you okay?" I said placing a hand on her shoulder. I couldnt but feel worried she was my friend after all.
"o-oh a-a-adrien y-yes don't worry I'm fine" I looked at her with a concerned look on my face and thought Did she hit her head and now can't talk... Oh my god poor marinette"