Day 20

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It feels good to be properly rested and recovered from the Markarth incident. I handed over the Gauldur amulet to be studied, though I'm still not sure if it was the best idea. Ah well, hopefully it'll benefit the college in some way.

I hadn't intended on writing an entry tonight, as not much has happened since the last entry, but then I realized that I never had a chance to write my "year in review" entry. I really think it's important to reflect on what one has accomplished, so I'd like to make these annual reviews a tradition of sorts.

What I accomplished last year wasn't too much, at least when written down. In time and effort and near-death experiences, I accomplished a great deal. I defeated Miraak and his cult, who were obsessed with killing me for being a "false dragonborn". I even learned how to use a thu'um to control a dragon, which doesn't necessarily work all too often.

I spent a long while on Solstheim, where I was given a home for preventing a coup, although I was then expected to pay a whole lot of taxes owed, which nearly crippled me until I found a hidden cache of treasure and septims. Even after paying the taxes, I was rich. Unfortunately, I also received a terrible head injury, which gave me temporary amnesia.

When I returned to Whiterun, the plan to move Lucia and Lydia to Raven Rock fell through when Lydia refused to move. That really put a wrench into all my plans, but the resulting path it set me on is one I'm quite happy to be on. I am now a student of the College of Winterhold, where I went from being the least trained mage to tutoring other students, and even training a group of students in how to defend themselves against a dragon attack. It's also where I met Brelyna, who is quickly stealing my heart, no matter how much I fight it.

The year ended with me in Markarth's prison on false charges. That city is corrupt, and I wish I could do something about it. But that's for another day.

Skyrim Journals: Lopiken [Year 3]Where stories live. Discover now