Day 252

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Success! I was beginning to worry that the only person in all of Windhelm willing to guard for pay was that fool Stenvar. I actually lucked out some. I've secured the employ of Adelaisa of the East Empire Company. She doesn't normally sell her services as such, but since I had helped her and the East Empire Company with their pirate troubles, she agreed to help me with the investigation. And her price was even reasonable!

Brelyna seems relieved to be leaving tomorrow. It's only grown worse, as the Nords here gossip about her and tensions rise. I'll be relieved as well, once she's safely at home. She seems rather excited to spend time with Lucia, teaching her more magic and such. I think I'll join her tomorrow, as Jorlief still hasn't returned. It'll be nice to Lucia again. I'm sure Adelaisa won't mind waiting for my return.

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