Scouring the Internet for a source of identity.

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My father scrubbed himself from the Internet and I know that because I checked. I've looked everywhere that I could possibly look, googled the possible names that he would be under and nothing. I can't find pictures or anything to relate him to his career.

Then again when I think about it, it could have been the time period. It wasn't the internet savvy time period back then, that it is now.

Where anyone and everyone is online.

Now a days, it's slightly weird when someone is not "online." The one person I want to find, I can't. It makes sense though, why would you want to put yourself out there for all the world to see? Not something highly wanted by many.

With his sickness I've been worried he might pass.

Was he a hero?
Was he a good friend?
A good or a bad cop?

Will I be bothered forever with my unanswered questions to such an extent that I will be unable to move on?

So much was sheltered from me, they are all strangers now. I wish they weren't, partly my fault but also as well as their own. They did try to keep in contact, but in the beginning. I was just a kid back then. After all the truth came out, not one peep. Now as an adult I know I can make that decision to visit, I just choose not to.

It's a different world over there, too much has gone on for me to just go 'pop in and say hi.'

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