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          𝓘t was a chilly, late-summer morning when the King's party arrived in Winterfell. From the look of it, Robert had brought half of King's Landing along with him. Most would make camp outside the castle walls, while others would be lodging in the winter town, only the royal family and their household would be staying within the castle. Even still, it was enough to throw all of Winterfell into a flurry of activity. Feats were to be held, and Robert would want to hunt, of course. There were a thousand things to get in order, and they'd only been given a few short weeks to prepare.

          Nine years had passed since Ned had seen Robert Baratheon, and he was unsure what to expect. The Iron Throne was known to change those who sat upon it. How would Robert have changed in the years since?

          Ned needn't wait long to find his answer. If it weren't for Robert's roaring voice and the bone-crushing hug he gave his old friend, Ned might not have recognized the man at all. He'd gained at least eight stone since the day they stood in Balon Greyjoy's fallen castle and accepted the rebel lord's surrender and his youngest son as hostage and ward.

           Theon Greyjoy chose that moment to whisper something into Amina's ear that sent the girl into a fit of barely contained giggles. The dark haired girl clung to his arm, and hid her face in his shoulder until she managed to compose herself. After which, she delivered a stealthy punch to his ribs that made the lordling grimace. Ned gave them both a look of warning, but too late. Their antics had already caught the attention of the King.

          Robert stopped in front of Amina, where she stood a few rows back. She gave him a shy smile, though Ned knew it was only a ruse. He couldn't remember a time when the girl had truly been shy. Amina curtsied, but the King continued to stare. Eddard knew what Robert was seeing. Lyanna.

          There was many a time when even Ned saw Lyanna in the girl. It wasn't Amina's look, no, her coloring was wrong. Lyanna had hair the color of chestnuts, and eyes grey as the bricks of Winterfell. Whereas Amina's hair was coal black, and her eyes were blue as ice. No, they shared no common features, but they carried themselves the same way. There was defiance in the way Amina rolled back her shoulders when she spoke, and a sparkle in her eye that said she was always in on the joke. Like Lyanna, she rode horses as well as any man, and practiced with bows and swords until blisters bubbled on her hands. But Amina was no wolf.

          After a long moment, Robert appeared to realize he had been staring, but offered no word of apology. "You have a name, girl?"

          "Amina," she answered, voice crisp, almost indignant. There were few things she loathed more than giving her stolen name. "Lady Amina Corrigan, your grace." She curtsied again, and gave the King another smile.

          "Ah, the other ward." He nodded as if her answer explained everything. House Corrigan had gone extinct during the Rebellion. They'd been small and confined to an island, not unlike the Mormonts. But their Lord Corrigan had been young and eager to prove himself on the mainland, so eager that he'd committed all his fighting men to Robert's cause. When Beldain Island was abandoned, save for the women, children, and old men, the Ironborn took the opportunity to attack. They had carted off their gold and their women, and then burned the rest.

          What had been a tragedy for House Corrigan had proved a Gods' blessing for Amina. The Beldish were known for sable hair and pale blue eyes. The girl's coloring was near enough to match, and those that knew the islanders well enough to tell the difference had burned with the Corrigans.

          "Leave it to the Ironborn to rob this kingdom of Beldish beauty," Robert said, going as far as to spit on the ground, much to his Queen's disgust. Theon shifted uncomfortably, but Amina had him firmly in her grip. "Leaves you to carry it on. Surprised there isn't a line of suitors at the gate for you."

          Amina gave a polite laugh. "Lord Stark frightens them all away."

          That earned a chuckle out of the King as well. He still had the same loud, hearty laugh he'd had since they were boys. "I wouldn't doubt that for a moment." Robert clapped a hand on Eddard's shoulder. "Let the girl have some fun, Ned!" Amina shared a look with Theon that nearly had them both in stitches again. It was unlike the girl to be so free with her laughter in front of guests, but with the stresses of the past weeks Ned couldn't fault her for it.

          Ned just shook his head; the girl had plenty of fun, though perhaps of a different sort than the King was implying. Amongst the household, his wards were thought to be a two-headed terror. When they weren't stealing from the kitchens or sparring on the roofs, they were in the winter town. Of late, their favorite haunt was the Smoking Log, an alehouse known for its brawls. From the bruises Amina returned home with, it was evident it was more than just silver she put at risk.

          "Come, meet the rest of my children," Ned called.

          Robert turned and threw his arm around his friend's shoulder. "Yes, and then take me down to your crypts, Eddard. I would pay my respects." As they moved on, Ned noticed that the King wasn't the only one whose attention had been captured by Amina. The Queen's eldest brother, Ser Jaime Lannister, was watching her as well. Ned frowned. Though he wasn't certain why, the look on the knight's face left him with a sense of dread.

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