―the prophetess.

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          𝓚aeshai's chambers were in absolute chaos. She stood in the entryway to the room, gaping at the sight. After a moment, she stepped through the door and slammed it behind her. It looked as if a windstorm had gone through the space. Kaeshai cursed under her breath in several languages.

          In the back room, a shrill, lilting voice sang on, oblivious to the fact she was no longer alone. Kaeshai pressed fingers into her eyes to stave off the migraine that was coming on. "Lidiya."

          The girl's voice cut off immediately, as it did a glass jar fell out of the air. Kaeshai barely caught it before it could crash to the ground and shatter, spilling the priceless herbs inside.

          "I am afraid I got a bit carried away." Lidiya was younger than Kaeshai by at least half a decade, and it was clear in her unpredictability. The girl's enslavement had only lasted a few years. She hadn't yet learned to rein herself in, make herself smaller, safer. Nor had she had the opportunity to explore the full extent of the magic she apparently possessed.

          "Over and over, I've told you that we must start from the beginning," Kaeshai scolded, as calmly as she could manage, given the state of her living quarters. "Aeromancers are rare, especially outside of Asshai, I've only ever read of your kind in books." She spared a glance at her overturned bookshelf. "Very rare, expensive, books."

         Lidiya rushed toward the shelf and immediately began setting it to rights by hand. "You see, I was studying, but it is so stuffy in these rooms. I thought a bit of breeze was called for."

          "And so you let loose a tornado in my home..." Kaeshai finished.

          Lidiya's golden skin flushed. "I tried to sing it all to rights, as you saw. But I was not quick enough." Her Ghiscari accent peppered her words. She'd been born and raised in Meereen, but when her family had realized what she was capable of, they'd sold her to the highest bidder. But it wasn't the greed that bothered Lidiya, it was the fear she'd seen in their eyes when they cursed her and called her witch.

          Kaeshai fought back a sigh. Years she'd worked to keep her emotions in check, only to be cursed with an inept apprentice who tried her patience every day. "See that it is set to rights." Then quickly added, "By hand." Lidiya began to protest. "What we do requires devotion. Your strength in ability is a curse. You have leapt too quickly and learned there is no ground below to stop your fall. But there will be if you work for it."

          Lidiya dipped her head in acquiescence. "Yes, mistress."

          Kaeshai retrieved the notebook she was searching for. "Now, if you will excuse me, Her Grace has summoned me to hear the Dreams."

          The energy of the pyramid was almost as chaotic as the state of her rooms. Nearly every day the city of Meereen saw more blood. The Sons of the Harpy did their best to terrorize Daenerys into abdicating or at the least giving in to their copious demands. Kaeshai had to admire the sheer stubbornness that kept the Queen from capitulating. But she couldn't help wondering if they would all be better off if Daenerys continued west.

          She arrived outside the Queen's chambers and put aside the thought. No matter where Daenerys Targaryen was, Kaeshai would serve her with loyalty. The Queen summoned her for the dreams, not for opinions.

          Missandei announced Kaeshai, and the maegi joined the Queen on the terrace. Daenerys motioned for her to take a seat. "You had a dream?" Kaeshai nodded, but before she could reveal her latest vision, she was interrupted by the appearance of another.

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