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Veronica stood just outside the walls of the camp with a knife in hand. Her grip tightened before sending the knife flying at the tree planted in front of her and whining out in frustration when it fell down with a soft thunk. "Come on!" She picked the knife up again staring at the initals engraved on the side. WJ. It's Wells'. It was Wells'. But he's gone now. Veronica awoke to the news and she immediately ran outside to be alone. A large weight of guilt was sitting on her shoulders thinking about all the mean words she had said to him since they landed on the ground. She was nothing but mean and impatient with him and he was always kind and calm. If she was able to speak with him once more she'd tell him everything she kept hidden. I'm sorry. I miss you. I still care about you. Thank you for taking care of me. I love you. She looked down feeling her eyes fill with tears before leaves crunching brought her back to reality. Her head snapped up before she raised the knife ready to defend herself before she heard a familiar voice. 

"It's just me sunshine." She rolled her eyes at the nickname and groaned loudly. 

"Great." He could see her nose just beginning to tinge a warm pink but wasn't sure if it was from the cold or possible tears. 

"I'm sorry about Wells. The Grounders-"

"I don't want to talk about Wells right now. And especially not with you." Veronica spoke chucking the knife at the tree and failing to have it stick into the bark once again. 

"You're doing it all wrong." She turned to face him now with no weapon in her hands.

"What and let me guess, you know how to do it?" She saw him smirk and reach down to his axe looped into his waistband before reaching it and aiming directly at Veronica's head. Just before he threw the ax he mumbled a soft "Duck." and she barely dodged the metal in time to see it nestle in the trunk of a large tree behind her. 

"What's with you and trying to kill me?" Bellamy smiled reaching down to grab her knife not missing the initials and held the sharp edge in his fingers. 

"I said duck." He shrugged before handing her the blade. "Here. You try." He stood behind her and nudged her left leg with his knee and pinched the skin of her hip with his fingers.

"Ow!" She yelped straightening up and turning to face him ready to badmouth him. He swiftly turned her back around to face her target and let his arms rest on her shoulders. 

"Go." She huffed but held the handle of the knife in her hand anyway preparing herself to throw it at the tree. "Wait."

"What now? Are you gonna pinch me again?" He ignored her comment and grabbed her wrist turning it to him as he gripped the knife and flipped it upside down placing it back in her fingers. 

"Bend your arm back, throw straight ahead." He still held her wrist pulling her arm back slowly before pulling it forward in one fluid motion. He could feel Veronica's cold skin against his warm hand and slowly stopped staring down at her hands. Ronnie stared as well before she quickly pushed him back and cleared her throat. She reached her arm back before throwing the knife and failing for what felt like the millionth time to stick the blade in the tree. 

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