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I woke up to my head feeling actually better, I looked around and realized I was in my bed at the Curtis'. I groaned and forced myself out of bed and into the living room where everyone was the same.

Steve and Sodapop were arm wresting, their cards on the ground. Two-Bit was watching Mickey Mouse. Dallas, Johnny and Ponyboy were talking on the couch, and Darry was reading the newspaper.

I walked over to the two boys arm wrestling and once they took it to the ground, I did my usual routine. I picked up to card and put them back in the box then walked into the kitchen.

"Mornin' Darry." I said, giving him and smile.

"Mornin' Claire, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine, you?" I answered then asked in return and stopped to look at him before returning to the living room.

"I'm better now that you're back with us Claire." He smiled at me and I returned into the living room to sit with my brother and boyfriend.

"Hey." Johnny smiled and hugged me. "Anyway, so she stared at me until I gave her a smile then she giggled and walked away!" Johnny said, I was slightly surprised that he was acting like this.

"You're so cheery Johnnycakes." Ponyboy looked at him with a face, Dallas looked at me and had a face that almost matched my brothers.

"You too Dal." I said, looking at Ponyboy and realizing now he and I were matching facial expressions.

"Hey, Dally?" Johnny asked Dallas, and I knew something was up.

"Yeah John?" Dallas asked, his acting horribly off. They were both honestly bad at acting and horrible at lying to me, Dallas can lie to anyone but me. Johnny just can't lie.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Johnny asked as he stood up. Dallas stood up as well.

"Sure." He said and they headed outside, everyone but Ponyboy and I looked like they knew what they were talking about.

"What do you know?" I asked them. Sodapop and Steve looked away and Two-Bit looked at the TV, I couldn't see Darry from where I was since he was in the kitchen readin'.

"Nothin'." Steve lied and played with his hair.

"Steve." I warned him, Steve ran upstairs with Sodapop and they didn't come back out for a while.

"SODA!" I heard Steve yell from outside and a loud thump followed it, sounding like an object hitting the ground.

"STEVE YOU ARE HOLDING MY KNEE AND IT FEELS WEIRD!" Soda yelled and then we heard then bickering.

"QUIET!" I heard Johnny yell, I looked at Ponyboy who is in shock like me.

Darry and Two shake their heads and turn back to what they were doing. Ponyboy soon got impatient and started to head toward the door but he was stopped by Two-Bit tackling him.

"SAY UNCLE!" Two-Bit yelled as Ponyboy tried to get out of his grasp.

"NO!" Ponyboy didn't want to give in, soon he stopped struggling and Two-Bit just let him go clearly bored.

"Why are they taking so long?" I asked and then I started walking to the front door.

I was also tackled by Two-Bit but I was not going down without a fight. I turned around and pinned him, scowling and staring him down.

"Ok Two-Bit she's fine." I heard my boyfriend's voice after the door opened but I didn't get off Two. "Let's go doll." Dallas said as he lifted me up and carried me to the couch but didn't sit with me.

I looked at Dallas and jokingly pouted, Ponyboy looked at Johnny with a confused look and both of them suddenly bent down and looked at us.

On one knee...

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